New Ice cream shop opening...... free samples!

edited August 2011 in Local discussion
There is a new Italian ice cream shop opening tomorrow on the corner of Blackstock rd and Brownswood rd.

Through the window it looks pretty good and they have a big sign up reading free samples all day saturday.

Perfect day allround ice cream and the premier league kick off


  • edited 6:07AM
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  • edited 6:07AM
    The free samples are delicious!! Chocolate and tiramisu flavours are esp. good...
  • edited 6:07AM
    i know an italian who says its as good as anything she ever had in italy.
  • edited 6:07AM
    Highly enjoyable!

    Went in on the saturday and tried a small tub of malibu the manageress insisted i take a bigger size and when I said no she insisted I take another and presented me with a hazelnut.Both were superb. Went back on sunday and bought myself a malibu.

    This shop and other small shops/businesses are one of the reasons why Fin PK and Stroud Green are a great part of London to live in.

    I really hope they do enough business over the winter cos come next summer they will smash it!
  • <p> </p><p>I do hope this shop can last out over the next couple of months as I will be a top consumer come Spring and summer. At the moment the shop is not that busy although they do get a couple of young mums in the afternoon having coffee. Have not tried their coffee as I am not really a connoisseur of coffee. Has anyone tried it?</p><p>*Me personally I don't do ice cream in the winter its a mental thing for me like when girls drink wine and eat chocolate together I know its not rational but i have to leave the room as it freaks me out.</p>
  • We went there a few times over the summer, loved it.  I saw they were closed for most of January but we popped in for an ice cream about 10 days ago, still fab. and very friendly chap too.  I really hope they can survive.Only tried the ice c cream though as I'm not a coffee drinker.<br>
  • <p class="MsoNormal"><p class="MsoNormal"><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Verdana"><span style="font-size: 10pt; ">popped in </span><span style="background:white"><span style="outline-width: 0px;outline-style: initial;outline-color: initial; cursor:pointer;background-image:initial;background-attachment:initial; background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial"><span style="background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; ">Cremeria Vienna last Sunday on a walk to Clissold Park and I have to say it is some of the best ice cream I've had (I'm not normally impressed by ice cream), good coffee too, very friendly and well worth a visit. </span></span></span></font><o:p></o:p></p></p></p>
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