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I'm writing a comic

edited November 2006 in General chat
Good lord, what am I about to get myself into
Using scriptsmart, which is a lovely plugin to Word from the BBC

I have a character, a theme, a first page (so-far)

And, just because Andy told me about them the other day, I'm throwing in Krugerrands.


  • edited 8:10PM
    I've also got a name for it. Well, it will do unless I find something else
  • edited 8:10PM
    Can Lucy feature in it as a shrubbery?
  • edited 8:10PM
    There's a story about Neil Gaiman and how he was staying in one of Tori Amos's house so he could finish the novel Stardust (about to become a film). He asked her what he could do to repay her and she just said "Make me a tree".
    And lo and behold, the main character speaks to a tree.
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