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Community / Continuing - Social Services Access

edited October 2011 in Local discussion
It concerns me that people over 50 not council tenants are not accessing social services if have chronic conditions neglected by NHS because Doctors are on contract to LA /PCT agreeing to be directed by the corporate LA [ PCT] so if not specialised in unusual condition unable to research so ignore & neglect .
This makes Community Care 'rationing ' a former GP agreed . He even ignored the need for cardiology investigation when sent evidence 2 years prior to myocardal infarction where social services refused access.
The Assessors ,often with no academic qualification ,say they do not take into account the medical ??!!
Could it be Community Care relates to Continuing Care & Alzheimers / Dementia which is not being funded fairly causing many to sell their homes .Surely this is not institutionalised fraud ?
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