At least they didn't make me sing on my company away day

edited November 2006 in General chat
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  • edited November 2006
    Full of wrong. I read this yesterday, in a Ricky Gervais interview: *“David Bowie said that after Let’s Dance, which is his biggest album ever and obviously not his best, he was doing these stadium gigs and looked out at the audience and suddenly realised that he had Phil Collins fans instead of Iggy Pop fans. And that’s how I feel about everything I do: I want Iggy Pop fans.” Pause, titter. “I want cool people with loads of scars.”* How do you think Bono feels listening to the line "integration never felt this good"? WHAT DOES IGGY THINK OF YOU NOW?
  • edited 2:39PM
    enough to make you feel sorry for Bono!
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:39PM
    Not even close. He is a twat.
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