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The $100 "One child per laptop" Laptop

edited November 2006 in General chat
Got this from <a href="">boingboing</a>

And a gallery <a href="">here</a>

And weirdly of all weirdness, I really want one. £50 is a steal, it has a decent screen, has wireless internet and (I hope) a word processor. And flash memory.

I was looking about for portable computing recently. I wanted something bigger than a pda (that could do something more than my phone) but something smaller than a laptop so I didn't have to carry something huge. I looked at all laptop's now. Horrid things. Big, clunky, overheating.

Simply, small laptops do not exist, and the first instant I've found is one designed for children. And £50? My phone costs more.

Christmas coming up...
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