Nicked from here: <a href=""></a><br><br>If any knitters are interested this was posted on the Harringay Online forum<br>achel Taylor - living in Tottenham, is a creative and passionate
knitter. She wants to hold relaxed, informal drop-in knitting sessions
at weekends during the Summer on the Green event.
<p>Are you or any of your contacts interested in joining in? Traditional
and guerrilla knitters welcomed! Also learners, though there will be no
formal tuition - it is a chill-out, rather than teaching, session. </p>
<p>Rachel is amazing - last seen knitting strips of torn-up fabric into a
rug on needles the size of small trees! Her events will be lots of fun
for anyone into making things!</p>
<p>Would you like to come along? Or do you have a box of leftover wool
and needles, untouched for years, which you could donate to Rachel, who
does lots of community knitting events locally?</p>
<p>We would be very grateful if you could circulate this widely to your
contacts and organisations, especially knitters and those interested in
<p>For those who don't already know, Summer on the Green is a temporary
festival for one month from this Saturday 23 June, on Tottenham Green
East, across the High Road from the Town Hall. It is being run in
conjunction with Haringey Council and the London Festival of
Architecture and the Royal Institute of British Architects. Our themes
are community and sustainability. For more info, please look at our
website - <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> There is an events timetable there, but it is rapidly evolving</p><br>