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Sale of the Century

edited January 2007 in Local discussion
So we went for a nice walk to Stoke Newington today and discovered some great things. Firstly, there's a Lidl now just east of the station, great _(Andy you'll be glad to know they are selling Wurst Salad in tubs there)_. Then on our return we spotted _(via Andy's sage-like tip)_ that mega-corporation PAK has branched out from wigs to a kebabish. In splendid trade mark green and black signage. Now, I know, my Saturday to this point has simply been astounding, but imagine my sheer ecstasy when I discover that the PAK wig shop on the east lower SGR is now also having a sale on: 1 for £5 or 3 for £10. Yes thats three wigs for a tenner. I suggest you all get down there now.


  • edited 7:03PM
    Pak's Kebabish. I can only imagine it's a family business. I have this vision of a board meeting with Mr Pak and his two sons. Whenever Mr Pak asks what they should do next, one son always says "Wig Shops. We're wig shops through and through. We need another wig shop. Ideally next door to our existing ones." Then the other, younger, more ambitious son says "Wigs shops are dead! They are the past. It's the internet. Mobile phones. They are destroying the wig business. We need to adapt to survive. Another wig shop will bury us!" Then he slams his hand down hard on the table and says "Kebabs. The way foward for this business empire is kebabs. Kebabs are the future." Dad looks at the older son and says "We've gone with your strategy so far. Let's give the boy a go"
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