Sold for a pittance in a rather dodgy deal by the council, and turned into ugly flats. But Stroud Green library is surely in Stroud Green proper (albeit right by its border, the bridge to Haringey).
It was a great talk. We won't repeat it - but Ruth might be interested in giving the talk at another venue if you want to get in touch. You can easily find her online. And she has written a book on the subject. She recommended a trip to the Langham Club in Green Lanes. <div>So you don't miss the next talk - November 24, 3pm, 'Sitting comfortably Ma'am? - The history of the side-saddle and cultural attitudes to women.' Free. All welcome.</div><div>The library opposite the Old Dairy was in Islington, by the way, Stroud Green and Harringay Library is in Haringey and well worth a visit. There's a coffee shop across the bridge so make a day of it!</div>