Next door neighbour's have a number of mattresses and bed devans in their front garden, which lean into mine/fully visible through my front window at all times, with other pieces of broken furniture piled up. Occasionally one of the mattresses falls into my front garden over a low party wall (when it's windy etc).<br><br>There are I think 8 studio flats in the house next door, and polite requests for whoever they belong to to contact Haringey / Veolia (I provided the contact details and info that it was free to have mattresses removed) have so far failed to have them uplifted. I don't know any of the residents to speak to on nieghbourly terms, so I'm afraid I put flyers with the information addressed to all the flats through the front door. <br><br>Mattresses have been there for 6+ months. <br><br>Can anyone suggest how to contact the landlord to get them to shift them? Or can I go direct to the council to ask them, as they'll likely have a record on the 'house of multiple-occupancy' records? <br><br>