
edited January 2007 in General chat
##My thread for the week I was looking around for a phrase to describe a film and its sequel. Not a trilogy, which is three, but two. Duology came up but it wasn't right. So I settled on [dilogy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duology). As when talking about the depths of Michael J Fox's career: _"'Back to the future' was a very long trilogy but 'TeenWolf' was perhaps a worse dilogy*, at least 'Doc Hollywoood' was one of a kind."_ See, it opens up conversation like: _"Godfather was a great dilogy that should never have been a trilogy."_ - I think 'Terminator' also suffered from this phenomena. Andy furthered this with suggesting Star Wars 1,2 & 3 should have been two films, with 2 & 3 being the second, thus a dilogy, not a trilogy. So instead of culling, consolidating. Pirates of the Caribbean was ok, the second was terrible, but successful _(i haven't seen it, Andy says so)_ so should they make it a trilogy or leave it as a classic TeenWolf dilogy? Where does this leave Steven Seagal? _* I know Michael wasn't any part of TeenWolf 2, I have the DVD, it was just illustrative_


  • edited 6:38PM
    Are you writing for popbitch or what?
  • edited 6:38PM
    Fletch and Fletch Lives was a classic dilogy.

    I believe they are about to remake it.
  • edited January 2007
    48 hours is another great dilogy, but perhaps due to level pegging of both films rather than their quality. Whereas Father of the Bride should never have made celluloid, let alone a dilogy. In popbitch's defence, they always credit me when they use my rants.
  • edited 6:38PM
    I know they did loads of Rocky's, but if they stopped at two, that would have been a great dilogy - no Mr T or Dolph Lundgren.

    Same for Superman I and II. Despite my love of Richard Pryor, the world without Superman III would be a better one.

    Same for Alien and Aliens. Ghostbusters and Ghostbuster 2.

    This is turning into 'film franchises that should have stopped at two', but the point is if you make a great dilogy, the pressure to turn it into a franchise is almost unbearable.
  • edited 6:38PM
    So the question is - why was there no 48 hrs 3?

    It's because Eddie Murphy was already on the Beverly Hills Cop bus by then and didn't need Nick Nolte any more. (I think)
  • edited 6:38PM
    Just thought of two more genuine dilogies

    Bill & Ted (excellent advetnture + bogus journey)
    Gremlins. I think there are only two (though the sequel was pretty bad)
  • edited January 2007
    Speed, Speed 2
    The whole Matrix story was one and a half, and never finished in my eyes
    And how could we forget
    Electric Boogaloo
  • edited January 2007
    Liz _(my own personal Liz, not SG Liz)_ brought another angle to this. Dilogies that are soon to be trilogies that shouldn't, citing the upcoming Shrek 3 as all wrong. Rambo of course being a trilogy that shouldn't have made it to a dilogy but is soon to be a tetralogy. Also, Superman III was bad, but the scene where Pryor realises syphoning all those fractions of pennies has made him millions almost makes it worthwhile. I never realised there was a Superman 4, apparently its SFX suffered budget wise, killing the movie dead, due to most the producers money being tied up in the making of "Masters of the Universe". And superman was reportedly fat in this one. Brilliant.
  • edited 6:38PM
    But speed 2:cruise control, didn't have the same cast. Gremlins for me is the ultimate dilogy.
  • edited 6:38PM
    A list of true dilogies
    Gremlins, Gremlins 2
    48 Hours, Another 48 Hours
    Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Bogus Journey
    Fletch, Fletch Lives

    Any more?
    I exclude Teenwolf and Speed for changing the lead character in the sequel
    I've also left out 'should have been' dilogies.
  • edited 6:38PM
    Waynes World 1 & 2
    Stakeout and Another Stakeout
    Predator & Predator 2 (not sure whether to include this, because there was a third film "Alien vs Predator" and because Arnie wasn't in the sequel)
  • edited 6:38PM
    The Mummy & The Mummy Returns
  • edited 6:38PM
    <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_film_duologies">list of film duologies</a>.

    I feel the latin is wrong. Depending on the story of a two-parter, it should be a bilogy.

    Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2
  • edited 6:38PM
    Can't believe i missed Escape from NY/LA. Duologies doens't work for me. Dilogies are where its at.
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