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"Love God's Way" Big List of Gay Bands

edited January 2007 in General chat
<a href=""></a>
Some highlights
The Grateful Dead (AIDS)
Marilyn Manson (dark gay)


George Michael (texan) what?

Elton John, so gay he's mentioned twice. including (Really gay)

Then there's the <a href="">safe bands</a>

Can't work out if this is a joke


  • edited January 2007
    How on Earth is Jay-Z gay? Also Sufjan Stevens is a bible-basher of huge proportions, with his sexuality non-confirmed, he collaborates frequently with Danielson who are oddly on the safe list. A very strange list indeed, It's like they've got homosexuality confused with color of skin, levels of testosterone and anyone who uses a distortion pedal occasionally.
  • edited 3:37AM
    Jesus, top of the safe list are "The Right Brothers": _"...a conservative band whose lyrics are devoted to America and addressing the issues at the forefront of the political arena. The music they make has been described as 'a lethal weapon for conservatives', 'a morale booster for the troops and their families' and 'the Sean Hannity Show put to music'."_ Tracks of note are 'Stop Global Whining' that has a catchy middle 8 stating _'the Earth's been heating up and cooling back down, since the day it started spinning round and round'_ before heading off into a verse beginning _'His name is Al Gore, yeah he's a loser, he says the blame is on me and you'_ Love it. Favourite track that needs no elobation has to be _"Bush was right."_
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