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We're moving...

edited February 2007 in About this site
Ok all, we're moving servers so the site may go down for a day, hopefully no less than an hour or so though. We're moving 'cos our server costs were just getting way too high in Wapping, so its hello to sunny West coast America for Stroud Green. See you on the other side...


  • edited February 2007
    OK, when you see this message, new server is up and running. You'll note the Directory isn't there anymore, a better one is on the way. Welcome page has also gone. I'll get that back up at some point too.
  • edited 4:58PM
    and our comments flash up in yellow when we first post them, or is that something else you've changed?
  • edited 4:58PM
    its something I added, but its already annoying me so I may remove it...
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