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Boro v Roma

edited March 2006 in General chat
If Ford registers on this, we might let him come round and watch Boro v Roma. I presume it's on ITV4 again.


  • edited 12:30PM

    ITV4 it is.
  • edited March 2006
    Bloody hell! Won on away goals. Who'da thunk it. Boro in the quarter finals. Would you travel to the final?
  • edited 12:30PM
    Absolutely. Radio 4 this morning proclaimed us favourites!! We've not beaten Roma and Stuttgart, plus Hamburg went out last night.
    Where is the final??
  • edited 12:30PM
    Weds 10 May. We go on Langs stag on the Sat after. You could fly right in and out though - it's in Eindhoven.
  • edited 12:30PM
    Cool. Might just be getting ahead of myself in thinking about the final going North for the next round i reckon.
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