Now open, at least on the southbound. Very shiny. And hopefully reducing the risk that the platforms will be overcrowded, and so the station closed, in the morning.
They are indeed shiny! Much nicer than before. I still can't get my head around the double helix. I stood looking at the two entrances, trying to envisage how it works. No luck.
I am not a god believer. But whoever or by whatever method the DNA double helix was designed it is a amazing. It allows maximum data storage in minimum space. Decoding it all is a mammoth global scientific effort
Have you seen the double helix ones in Dover Ben? They were built to maximise the number of troops who could get from the top of the cliffs to the bottom in double-quick time.
Are they really double helix (spirals going in opposing directions)? Or are they two spirals that go round the same way, but nested inside each other? If it's the latter it's rather simpler.
I checked. They definitely go in the same direction. Both ascend anti-clockwise, staggered so that one starts at quarter-past and one at quarter-two, as it were. So as you are going up one staircase the ceiling above you is the floor of the other one.
Realise this is a bit niche, but I'd been wondering ...