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Dotori, any updates/thoughts?

edited July 2014 in Local discussion
Dotori has not closed down, as I had previously thought, but was having a refurb', or some-such.<div>My heart really sank when I thought it had gone, I would almost rather see any other eatery go from </div><div>the area than this one. <br><div>Can anyone confirm, been in, etc. I am hoping the food/chef is still the same, but have they </div><div>zhushed it up  bit, are the toilets still hilariously awful? </div><div>I keep trying to make it there for lunch, but time just……keeps……   … ..    .</div></div><div><br></div>


  • Passed by yesterday and it looked open to me.
  • I went a little over a week ago and really enjoyed it. I don't go often (since it's impossible without booking) so can't say whether or not the food/chef is the same but I walked out of there very happy, gastronomically and financially.<div><br></div><div>Sadly(?) the hilarity upstairs has ended as the toilets have been complete re-done (though it still feels like you've wandered into someone's flat.</div>
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