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Stroud Green WI Cake Stall - Saturday 20th June - Outside Hettie Holland - 12-4.30pm

As part of Stroud Green Festival and Shop Local Day, Stroud Green WI is hosting a cake stall outside Hettie Holland on Charter Court, Stroud Green Road. <div><br></div><div>Hettie Holland is also hosting a couple of live music performances at 1.15pm and 4pm so if you would like to listen to some lovely music whilst munching on delicious cake all homemade by your local Women's Institute then pop on by. Or indeed if you don't know what your local WI is all about then drop by and say hi and we can tell you.</div><div><br></div><div>Hope to see you this Saturday 12.00 - 4.30pm (or until we sell out of cake!)</div>


  • edited June 2015
    I've just finished two Victoria Sponge Cakes for the stall tomorrow. They smell delicious!!! If only I knew how to post pictures on here, I would. Come round to the stall tomorrow and buy a slice!
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