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Styrofoam wanted!

I've just bought myself a new aquarium. Really looking forward to setting it up and planting all the plants. I have everything I need. Except it turns out you need to put styrofoam on the bottom of the tank before you put any rocks or stones. So I wondered if anyone had any? If you've bought anything recently styrofoam is usually the packaging in the cardboard box. If anyone has either a couple of flat sheets of it, or alternatively any styrofoam blocks they would be willing to donate I'd be happy to pop over and take it so I can set up the aquarium... Thanks!


  • I get it from the street. Someone in Jermyn St (behind Piccadilly), puts small sheets out by the bins every week. It's clean, must be their packaging. I'll see what I've got left in my workroom or look put for more and let you know.
  • It is just normal white polystyrene you want isn't it? Any preferred thickness?
  • Great! Thanks. The sheets are about 1cm thick, and sometimes you get blocks too which are also useful. Anything greatly received and thanks for looking for me!
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