Haringey Libaries

I have heard that the libraries have hardly any budget for new books and the only way they can buy a book is if it has been requested by someone and is not in the library? Has anyone else heard this ?


  • edited November 2016
    @Ali Not true. The accounts dept at my workplace deal with huge orders for libraries in some other parts of London and UK. Depends completely on the council, Haringey Labour are keen on cutting services.
  • So Haringey are definitely buying books as you mention other parts of London?
  • @Ali Not from us but they may be buying elsewhere. We don't supply every library in the country.
  • So it may be true that Haringey may not be buying books unless people ask for something not in stock?
  • That is pretty terrible. Maybe we should all request things? it costs 55p a time but cheaper than buying them and then they're available for all.
  • It may be, but I don't know. Councils get to choose what to spend money on. Ask your local councillors
  • Hornsey Library has a remarkable reserve stock in the basement. You ask for an older book, and it's sure to be there somewhere. As for newer stuff, they would look for your request on Amazon, which didn't cost much. Unethical, perhaps, but my needs were always met, one way and another. And Hornsey is by far the best library I have ever known. Last I heard, no cuts of any sort had been applied... But...one of these days...in the not too distant future.... Shudder.
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