Bakers and Cake-lovers: Your local school needs you!

edited February 2017 in Local discussion
The PTA of Stroud Green School is holding a cake sale on Thursday 9th February at 3.15pm to raise funds that are desperately needed. Would you be wiling to bake and donate some cakes for us? They can be dropped at the school reception on Thursday, anytime before 3pm. Please consider helping us, we are a charity (The Friends of Stroud Green) and the school is a community school that is by far the least affluent in the area. We really need your help to raise funds for the enrichment of pupils who attend the school. All funds go straight to helping local children, in other words! Shop bought cakes also equally welcome of course if you'd prefer to do that! Similarly, if you run a local business that sells cakes, and would like to show off how delicious your cakes are by donating them to a good cause and supporting children and parents at the school, that would be fantastic and we can see if we can help you advertise your cakes. Email: or follow us on Twitter @FriendsofSGS if you'd like more info. Of course if you can turn up on Thursday and buy some cakes, that would be wonderful too. 3.15pm, Thursday 9th Feb, infants school playground on Ennis Road opposite the pub.


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