Under what circumstances should someone resign?

edited April 2006 in General chat
Because, if accidentally not deporting 1,000 murderers, rapists and drug dealers isn't a big enough reason to, you know, resign - then I'm struggling to work out what is.


  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    According to the radio just now, ministerial responsibility has come to mean absolutely bugger all. Unless the minister made the decision directly, civil service cock ups - even the really massive ones - don't seem to count any more. Brilliant.

    Suddenly almost makes me respect Blunkett....though maybe that's going too far.
  • edited 2:43AM
    1,000 criminals


    1,000 criminals. Over 6 years.

    That's GOT TO be a resigning issue.

    Frankly, I can't even remember what Blunkett did, but I remember people muttering about "credibility" and "perceptions of trustworthiness" and shit like that.

    Clarke out.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    And how convenient that the Prescott affair story breaks today. I'm not saying it's a crime, but the media grid is just so cynical.

    Oh, and it appears that the minister knew last summer and 300 were let out after that. Brilliant.
  • edited 2:43AM
    If he's known for 10 months and not done anything, that rather undermines the argument that he 'needs to be the one to sort it out'. He's had his chance.

    He has got to go.


    They are giving the impression of being a self-serving oligarchy rather than democratically accountable.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    What I can't remember is whether he was actually in the job last summer.

    I've just checked - he was appointed Home Sec in 2004.

    There is no excuse.
  • edited 2:43AM
    We are neither i) members of the tory party nor ii) the sort of people who usually call for this sort of thing.

    But seriously, he's got to go.
  • edited 2:43AM
    bloody hell. I agree with you. Got to be a first?
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    Frankly, I'm starting to scare myself. Listening to the radio the other day, there was a woman from the Peugeot factory that's being closed down moaning, and I found myself shouting at the radio about free market economics.
  • edited 2:43AM
    Excellent stuff. I knew you'd come round to my way of thinking eventually..........
  • edited 2:43AM
    I'm not big on politics but think its this sort of thing that has compounded apathy towards voting. Whoever is in power eventually becomes the self-serving oligarchy Andy mentions above. The squabling over whose to blame while obviously dangerous people are _still_ out there just turns me off even more.
  • edited 2:43AM
    And Prescott's been doing his secretary. How predictable.
    Now - understanding that they've known abot both of these things for a while - which one is supposed to deflect attention from which?

    Maybe they've had this one in the bag for ages and were saving it for when something else really bad came along.

    Clarke Out.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    See my first post of this morning. So cynical - to take advantage of your own fuck up to minimise the impact of another fuck up. I'm really starting to get angry now.

    Blair and Clarke out!
  • edited 2:43AM
    So two wrongs don't make a right, but they can help each other out?
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    Some of the released people have reoffended and been reconvicted.

    He really has to go now.
  • edited 2:43AM
    what an incredible surprise.

    he better hope everyone has a nice bank holiday and forgets about it.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    Cue the Sunday papers full of stories like 'Foreign paedo released by Clarke interfered with my daughter' (probably slightly better subbed than my effort).

    P.S. What does the big/small input button above the 'enter your comments' box do?
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    If "two shags' Prezza resigns and Clarke doesn't, then the world has officially gone mad.
  • edited 2:43AM
    big/small input does nothing, except give you more room to type in a bigger text field. And they should both be sacked. Why we have to wait for resignations is beyond me.
  • edited 2:43AM
    Looks like Clarke might get away it!

    I am aghast.
  • edited 2:43AM
    Which party now? they all end up the same.
  • edited 2:43AM
    curious to see what happens after todays headlines.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    According to Martha Kearney on Newsnight, Clarke's going to be shuffled out tomorrow, and Prescott will be moved out of ODPM (for Milliband to take over) but stay in the cabinet.

    What a cop out.
  • edited 2:43AM
    If I ran a patient involvement in health forum type thing, I would be keeping my head down.

    Or employing some shit hot lawyers.

    Or both.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:43AM
    ??? I'm confused. What do you mean?
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