I am collecting primary research for my geography a level independent investigation, and it would be really valuable to have different types of data including a word-cloud about the Finsbury Park town centre. Which word or words come to mind when you think of the station and surrounding area? Thanks again so much!
See the survey results here: http://mailchi.mp/3fb504db00e4/fpsg?e=649a3cf63d
Harringay is an ancient name, and judging by the comments on HarringayOnline, Haringey Council have been trying to get rid of it, much to the annoyance of its (Harringay's) residents.
At least two prominent politicians referred to the area where the recent van attack happened as "Finsbury" (which is a few miles from park, and certainly not thought of as being in the same area by any means). Do we go by council wards, ancient parishes...? I'd love a definitive answer to this, or even better, a definitive map.
Administrative boundaries are largely worthless when it comes to defining neighbourhoods - they are too arbitrary. In the end all that matters are the views of the residents - even though those shift over time of course. Postcode boundaries are even worse than most - they were created overnight during the war to assist the new women posties (who were unfamiliar with their new postal routes).
In short, yes we are Stroud Greeners in Stroud Green, even if part of Stroud Green might also be considered part of Finsbury park. Harringay is just Harringay though - only a small minority of the Harringay survey results came back saying that residents felt part of Finsbury Park. Indeed Stroud Green is unique in having a majority of residents who felt that SG was part of FP.
If you're interested in this stuff you should sign up to be a member of the Neighbourhood Forum!
I tried describing Stroudy and what made it special while I was living up north, and the independent businesses are what stood out for me. And best of luck with your A-level, @geog_research!