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Stroud Green Olive Oil - change of plan

Change of plan for Stroud Green Olive Oil. We had a very good harvest - 64 litres of our own oil - but unfortunately the produce is stuck in Italy until at least January. Our decision to go for the harvest was rather last minute, in September/October, and we’ve discovered that all the affordable carriers were already fully booked by August. So no chance of pre-Christmas delivery or a stall at Stroud Green Farmers Market in December this year.

The big carriers like DHL are far too expensive and making a trip by car and driving down to collect the oil would cost at least £600-£700 and drive the resale price of the oil far beyond a reasonable price. If anyone can offer a solution, I'd like to know. We'll look at the options and maybe bring some over for sale after Christmas, or maybe we’ll put the whole thing off again until next year.

It was a bumper crop this year and the quality is apparently excellent. You can read all about our adventures here:

Sorry to disappoint our many customers!
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