edited April 2006 in General chat
has anyone heard of Journey South?

I didn't think I could hate any band more than wet wet wet.

Tell me it's not Darren Day? This is why I don't watch MTV anymore.


  • LizLiz
    edited 4:37PM
    You've come to the right place: Journey South were the runners up on last year's X factor. One of them is very, very pretty. The other one is not Darren Day.
  • edited 4:37PM
    Very annoying. But I'd still take them over the X factor winner, or even the runner up who i've forgotten also.
  • edited 4:37PM
    What is this "X factor"?
  • edited 4:37PM
    They are dreadful. They seem to be singing this song to each other and, from what I understand, they're related. Urgh.

    Creeps me out. Never did go for blondes. They remind me of Midwich Cuckoos - only less intelligent.
  • edited 4:37PM
    Everyone is less intelligent than the Midwich Cuckoos - they were telepathic?
  • edited April 2006
    They're brothers. Sick isn't it? And our forum is way better than [theirs](
  • edited 4:37PM
    Most people are less intelligent than the Midwich Cuckoos. Their intelligence did derive, in part, from their telepathy - anything that one learned, the others did too.

    However, I was getting more at the general creepiness of the Midwich Cuckoos, and their blondness.
  • edited 4:37PM
    Hey, they must be dead committed to their fans to actually post on their own forum. That, or they really don't get to go out very much. CD:UK isn't on every day of the week!
  • edited April 2006
    Do Journey South have golden eyes too? [This]() is for you, Lucy.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:37PM
    On X Factor, Simon Cowell described them as the nicest people he'd ever met. And they're called Journey South because they had to travel down to London for gigs (they come from oop north). So, I think they are just very very earnest, hence the forum posting. It won't last long.

    And yes, I am ashamed.
  • edited 4:37PM
    "called Journey South because they had to travel down to London for gigs"

    Alternative names:

    - GNER
    - National Express Megabus is just a quid if you book early enough
    - Less grim down there
    - It's this or jobclub
  • edited 4:37PM
    no more cussing from you about labyrinth!
  • edited 4:37PM
    they probably wear contacts!

    and, oh my god, how many more songs are they going to slaughter?? Dreadful. Just dreadful.
  • edited 4:37PM
    That video. Scary. Clearly secret footage taken from the testing lab of the new Darren Day factory. Turning out 15,000 Darren Day's/day for consumption in Chinese cities.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:37PM
    Lucy, I don't actually like them, I just have a very retentive memory.
  • edited 4:37PM
    Yeah, right.

    "Journey South were the runners up on last year's X factor. One of them is very, very pretty. The other one is not Darren Day."

    These are the words of a fan, not a dispassionate observer with a good memory.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:37PM
    Are you suggesting that I can't divorce my views on how they look from how they sound? If this was the case, I should give all my Doves albums to charity.
  • edited 4:37PM
    You should give your Doves albums to charity. I put mine on ebay and got no bids.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:37PM
    There are only so many miserablists in the world.
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