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Sci-Fi writer looking for Finsbury Park locals

A quick reminder, if you're interested in joining writer Stephen Oram to think about the future of Finsbury Park....

Writer, Stephen Oram, is starting a project that will work with local residents and scientists to create a new piece of sci-fi fiction imagining a Finsbury Park of the distant future.

Do you know the area in and around Finsbury Park well? Come and join us on Friday 24th May (10am-4pm) for a unique opportunity to explore ideas with writers, scientists and designers to create a shared version of Finsbury Park's future which Stephen will then use as a basis for his short story.

Please contact Ruth at for further information. If you would like to join the project email your name, contact details and a brief response (max 200 words) to this question by TUESDAY 23rd APRIL:

"What should humanity be fixing now to improve life in a hundred years time, that will also keep your favourite thing about Finsbury Park?"
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