Loathing, loving and vice versa

edited March 2008 in General chat
I'm all confused. I've just given up on That Mitchell & Webb Look - I really liked those guys but this series is beyond rubbish. It's just not even the slightest bit funny. They've completely lost their way. And then to make up for losing something I loved along comes the iPhone. I've been so ready to hate the damn thing it hadn't occurred to me that when I held one in my hand I might actually like it. They're _really nice_. Still after signing up for an 18 month contract not too long ago and vowing never to buy a piece of Apple equipment before its 4th generation again (non existent support for my 3rd Gen iPod) I'm happy to wait and see what it does to the market.


  • edited March 2008
    I was watching M&W last night - really awful. Luckily I fell asleep. It got 'choice' in the Guardian on Saturday for some reason. It is pretty isn't it David, but very big. I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that one device isn't going to fulfill all my needs and sometimes you do just want a lovely little phone. I understand a 3g iphone is imminent anyway, but it seems unlikely they'll reduce the size.
  • edited March 2008
    I put a lovely new battery in my 3rd Gen iPod yesterday ... only cost me £45 ... it's still a thing of beauty (even if it does have a mono screen and 'buttons')

    David - could we consider ourselves retro cool yet?

    <img src="http://www.apple.com/r/store/gallery/ipod3/images/1.jpg">
  • edited 2:16AM
    A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
  • edited March 2008
    Simon - ouch. I stuck a battery in mine for twenty i think off ebay...

    My gripe is the lack of power support for firewire, not the design which i still love. I also still enjoy the mono screen - but then I play manic miner repeatedly all day so consider me odd.
  • edited 2:16AM
    I paid an extra £25 for someone to fit it for me ... I didn't want to break it :)

    Yes it is sad firewire has been replaced by USB2, but I will keep a firewire card as long as I am transferring film from my digital video camera ... so my iPod can carry on living too!
  • edited 2:16AM
    Hmmm, I've since decided that I'm not going to purchase anything made by apple if that's what happens.
  • edited 2:16AM
    I'm going to wait for an iPhone. Whatever it looks like now, the one that comes out in 18 months will make the current model look like a betamax. I was very quick to buy an iPod, but now my grey screen 8gb one looks big a nd blocky compared to the tiny colour video ones.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm going to wait for an iPhone, too. Partly for the reason Andy mentions and partly until they make it more Euro-friendly by including picture message support. I have an iPod Touch, though, and love it dearly. Though it's obvious when you use certain aspects of it, at various times, why the iPhone is clearly the superior device. It boggles the mind what we might have in a couple of years. There's a real digital revolution happening there. I also have a white 20GB iPod as shown above. It's been going for years and I replaced the battery myself with one off eBay for about £14 just over a year ago. It was my first iPod, and my girlfriend used it until recently. As with my first MiniDisc player, I'll never get rid of it. I'm (senti)mental like that.
  • edited 2:16AM
    old and busted = ipods
    new hotness = Gigabeat T series
  • edited 2:16AM
    Gigabeat = Zune (internally, any way)
  • edited 2:16AM
    Low and behold, <a href="http://www.apple.com/uk/iphone/">i phone 3G</a>. Twice as fast, less than half the price. I'd be gutted now if I had an original...<a href="http://www.o2.co.uk/iphone/paymonthly">£99 on O2</a> coming July 11th.
  • edited 2:16AM
    Just at the right time for me to upgrade my existing phone on 02 muhahahahaaa
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