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London Supertower

edited March 2008 in Local discussion
<a href="">I'd like to think they're not serious</a>. It seems people want to turn parts of East London into a realisation of a Judge Dredd comic.

What do people think? Would you live in it? how important to you is a farmer's market and tennis area and a firestation two-thirds of the way up?


  • edited March 2008
    Architects ego's know no bounds. Anyone see the particularly pompous self-interested ones trying to save [Robin Hood Gardens]( recently? Lord Rogers said _"If one looks beyond the present condition of the landscape and the building of Robin Hood Gardens, one can still see the original concept which combined a heroic scale with beautiful, human proportions."_ Probably what they'll say about the super tower in a few decades. Why let depraved living conditions in a failed concept get in the way of an architects heroic vision? As one terrorised, desperate inhabitant commented: _"If they think its so great why don't they move in here?"_
  • edited 3:33AM
    The idea that there is a real need for this is pretty absurd. Instead of the world's most attractive terrorist magnet, you could move some stuff to, you know, Birmingham, Manchester, Belfast and Glasgow and reduce the need for a ridiculous megatower. It's probably just a pitch - they really want to build it in Dubai.
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