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Planning Advice Please! Juliet Balcony

Hello - was just wondering if anyone has put in a juliet balcony and whether planning consent was required. I've read some conflicting reports online - some suggest applying for planning whereas others say a juliet typically falls within permitted development so no to worry.

For reference, I live in a late Victorian/early Edwardian house that was converted into self-contained flats about 40 years ago. I'm on the first floor. The proposed juliet would be at the rear, which does not directly overlook anyone. I'd be replacing some horrible non-period windows that were put in during the 80s so I wouldn't be touching any nice original features. The window frames are in a poor state of repair so need to be replaced anyway, and I'd like to replace them with doors to allow in more light / air.

Anyone attempted anything similar / know if planning is required? Also, any recommendations in terms of local contractors to do the work would be hugely appreciated!
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