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Cinema Club for the over 60s; PRISCILLA, Finsbury Park PictureHouse; 3pm 2 January

Cinema Club for the over 60s

The next offering is the film Priscilla at the Finsbury Park PictureHouse at 3pm on Tuesday 2 January. The cost is £7.30. If you’re coming for the first time, you’ll have to join the PictureHouse’s Silver Screen programme but it’s free and painless to sign up. This film is just under 2 hours so it should finish about 5pm. There are a lot of trailers. There will be plenty of time to go to the Members Lounge afterwards to have a chat.

Here is the synopsis:

When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend.

Through Priscilla’s eyes, Sofia Coppola tells the unseen side of a great American myth in Elvis and Priscilla's long courtship and turbulent marriage, from a German army base to his dream-world estate at Graceland, in this deeply felt and ravishingly detailed portrait of love, fantasy, and fame.

Here’s the trailer

I hope to see you there.

James Cowling
Chair, Haringey over 50s Forum


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