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Kimchi & Cider back on Sunday at the market

Sunday 9th June, 10 - 2:30, Stroud Green School

Hi everybody,

very exciting about the kimchi! It's not strictly speaking a new stall, as Rebecca of The Ferm made her debut here a couple of months ago, and I've been selling it for her since then; but she's back from Korea now and hopes to settle in as a regular. You might remember that Rebecca was Pao's particular recommendation, and also that being interested in "zero waste" she uses British cauliflower leaves discarded by restaurants, rather than the more usual Chinese Napa cabbage, in her kimchi. She also makes a pickle known as Jangagi using broccoli stalks which is little known over here, but absolutely delicious.

Luke's Cider is also back after another glorious success at the Royal Bath & West Show last weekend, and Jo of Echo Leaf Print with her beautiful cyanotype prints.

The photos in the newsletter (follow the link above) show drawings made last week by Annalouise Oakland, one of our longest standing customers (I remember talking with her at our very first market, 10th September 2017). If you like them - and how could not, really!? - then you might get in touch with Annalou to enquire about commissions, or just to find out more about her work. Her email is

The bottom sketch is of the Communitable which so brightened an already sunny day. Tickets are on sale now for the first Sunday of July which will see the last long table lunch this Summer. Go get 'em!

See you on Sunday...


PS one more thing: Nature's Cacao returned about a month ago and are selling an amazing chocolate bar made only with raw cacao & Devonshire honey. It's absolutely delicious! There's also a nutty version and one with dried mango etc. Photos below...

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