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Patron Highbury and the curse of the unscrupulous landlord

Not Stroud Green but sad to read this today:

"We can finally share our story"
A promise of a straightforward 4 months of work last year, underpinning the building in the basement only, turned into a full-scale redevelopment of the entire building and, with this, the disappearance of Patron Highbury altogether, along with all our belongings. The new landlord had alternative plans for the building from the get-go, which was made shockingly apparent to us, not through any form of communication, but when we discovered that the entire restaurant had been ripped out, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts and pockets. A true reflection of how we feel with the loss of Patron Highbury and being kept in constant darkness. It has been a nightmare of a year-long legal battle with the new landlord of 158 Blackstock Road. Many struggles, immense stress, sleepless nights of worry and extremely difficult, non-existent communication have resulted in the loss of both your and our beautiful local restaurant. Evidence of the true reality of some landlord sharks today and the constant struggle that independent business owners are faced with when they don't have an honest and genuine landlord. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for the 3 beautiful, happy years in Highbury, all your incredible messages and continued support. It means the world to us, as we are a small, independent, family-owned business. We hope you will get the chance to visit Patron Kentish Town and our sister bar Tabac Bar, where you are sure to recognise the faces of the wonderful team from Highbury and continue to create special Patron memories.


  • Jesus. I hope they sue the asshole for the cost of their property. I went past there the other day and wondered what had happened.
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