Ferme Park Road - New planning application



  • edited 6:22AM
    It can't possibly take 10mns to Woody's if you live on Woodstock can it? Not unless you walk incredibly slowly.
    Still, you're absolutely right, the halcyon days of Woody's were when it was called Yessim. It took me quite a long time to refer to it as Woody's.
    David, stop being a grump. I know Arsenal could be doing better, but hey, at least you're not married to a Villa fan.
  • edited 6:22AM
    I remember when Woody's was a furniture shop. Bought my futon there. Mind you, I also remember when Londis occupied a smaller shop on the other side of the ex-Threshers. Sigh.
  • edited 6:22AM
    Vanilla fan? Sorry
  • Oops, lost my post there. I was saying, however:

    I love Holloway Waitrose! And they have free parking so you can leave your car there while you go to the nags head market and buy cheap baubles.

    Woodys is good because there is no other place where you can buy 500g of lamb mince and a bottle of vodka at 5am... amazing!

    Yasar Halim is ok but if you really want cheap shopping like that and are prepared to travel then you got to go to Tottenham. Its sketchy but at the indoor market at seven sisters station and the shops on west green road you can get all of the east end spices, bags of rice etc. at 1/3 the price.
  • edited 6:22AM
    Last time I was in Woody's I noticed that the lambs underneath the counter where you can buy aforementioned lambs mince have gone. My kids were very sad indeed. When they were there, every time my son touched one the guy behind the counter went 'baaa', and my son fell for it every time.

    Happy memories. Blimey - I'm beginning to sound like Busby.
  • The lambs have gone?? OH no

    One of them was an actual stuffed lamb, wasn't it? I found it a bit wierd at first and then cool and now they've gone I'm angry.
  • edited 6:22AM
    To return to the initial Triangle theme. Went there for breakfast today and not only was the food pretty good (although perhaps a little on the expensive side), but I also really don't think it is closing down. They are laying a new floor in the outdoor area, and the waitress assured me it was "going to look great". Now, why would they be doing that if it was going to knocked down?
  • edited 6:22AM
    the stuffed aminals in woodys were creepy, not least because they were quite tatty and moth-eaten. then there's the odd thing of a creature trying to sell itself to you as food...
  • edited 6:22AM
    The taxidermed one's head fell off.
  • edited 6:22AM
    *skin crawls*
  • edited January 2009
    and fixed with brown packaging tape, for a while! re: The Triangle, having read the application, sounds like a refurb rather than a demolishment.
  • edited 6:22AM
    Let's hope Bernie's that guy who said "Great Britain is bankrupt"
  • edited 6:22AM
    They appear to be laying a new floor in the indoor area in the Triangle too, and they have a funny chef figure to welcome you at the door now. They seem to make some very odd decisions in there - anyone remember the enormous tent things?
  • edited 6:22AM
    I don't understand why turning down the planning appliation was welcomed, on the grounds that the Triagle's greenery improves the look of the area - surely it would be better to let it go ahead, but stipulate in the planning consent that they must have greenery at the front? It's not exactly a lovely building
  • edited 6:22AM
    Celebrity restaurant?
  • I rather like the Nicholas Nickleby.
  • edited 6:22AM
    I do too.

    It's the only pub in the area with literary connections.

    Isn't it?
  • edited 6:22AM
    I might make more of an effort to go in the Nickleby more regularly. God knows I suit the place.
  • edited 6:22AM
    i bet the triangle closes down now, due to the cc.

    let's hear it for that sticky toffee pudding in Londis.
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