Foxes - good pets?

edited January 2009 in Local discussion
A friend of mine got back from holiday and found a fox had moved into her house (it got in through the cat flap). There was a dreadful stench and red hairs all over the marital bed. Sadly it ran away and hasn't come back.

Do foxes make good pets?


  • edited 4:09AM
    <i>all over the marital bed</i>

    sorry, what, the 19th century just interrupted your post. what? a fox something cat flap something mister d'arcy something hairy bed?

    a small glass of sherry.

  • edited January 2009
    Weird you should post this as on the way home from the FP station yesterday a fox walked past me - in broad daylight! Brassy thing. It was walking towards an unsuspecting house. I wondered whether I should call the council. Isn't it a bad sign if foxes are walking around in daylight - like the area is super dirty, or it's nearly Armaggedon?

    I should add - I really hate foxes. They are horrible vermin and they make me feel sick. Blerugh. Now I've got to try and eat my breakfast.

  • edited 4:09AM
    I really like foxes! I think they're brave creatures who live in our cities as best they can and get rid of all the chicken bones from nandos and dixie chicken etc. that would be normally littering the street. It always cheers me up when I see them on the streets - makes me think that Armaggedon isn't quite approaching if we can still make room for foxes. They've got to live somewhere!
  • edited 4:09AM
    We had one living in our back garden last summer. We're on first floor flat and ground floor is vacant so its overgrown with no people around. I found him/her quite cute looking down from our back window, but whether the noise they make is during mating or just some sort of howling I don't know but its weird as. How I'd imagine a werewolf to sound.
  • edited 4:09AM
    That awful sound is bad enough at the best of times, but it's even worse if you're woken up by it in the middle of the night. It always sounds like somebody is being horribly tortured.
  • That noise is a bit unsettling but they can be very nice to watch. I think they're quite handsome, not like pigeons or rats which really are vermin.

    There has been a lot at night in this area for at least the time I've been here. I say fair play to our foxy friends. They're not a threat to us... or are they?
  • edited 4:09AM
    I'm generally pro-fox.
  • edited 4:09AM
    How can you expect to live close to a park and not have foxes around? I was the other day in Blackheath train station and saw a fox at the platform. Started following it with my eyes and it went down the fence and went between the bush, probably a nest or whatever you call it. Amazing creatures, we get some in our garden all the time as they probably are killing all the mice and rats around and cleaning all the junk food from the street.

    I find quite strange people not liking them and I hear that a lot from my up the fucking arse clients with stupid accents, as if they are talking with and egg inside their mouth. Do you call that aristocracy/ upper class? Just because they are not allowed to hunt the poor things anymore they hate it? Just like a farmer isn't it? If they can't eat it they kill it.

    They do us a service I guess. Long live the lovely and clever foxes!
    Yours, fox lover.
  • edited January 2009
    Well, i grew up on a farm and foxes, although cute, are a real pain! They can rip apart a coup of chickens or geese in no time at all - and then they will only eat one of them!

    Luckily, our farm was arable so we didn't need to worry about it. My dad was a great animal lover and so am i.

    In some cases they simply need to be controlled and hunting them with dogs is simply the most humane way to do it. Dogs go straight for the jugular, no fox in seconds. Now, as you are still able to control them by shooting, farmers have to rely on luck. Chasing a fox around with a spot light in the dark, means a lot of half-shot foxes, leading to a slow death. Sorry if this sounds a bit horrendous but it's a fact. Banning fox hunting has simply made foxes lives (well, deaths), worse.

    I don't want to kill any foxes but if i had to protect my livelihood i would have no choice.

    Anyway, would i have one as a pet? No, they are not domestic animals. It wouldn't be fair.

    I don't why i wrote this as you'll give me loads of grief now! Oh well.
  • edited 4:09AM
    I've just posted this and can now see all of my spelling mistakes. I really should look up when i type!
  • edited 4:09AM
    ok, just to be clear, i think we've got four discussions going on: 1. urban foxes *(plight v cuteness of)* 2. country foxes *(pest control v habitat management)* 3. foxhunting *(dogs v guns)* 4. class war *(funny accents v. is that an egg in your mouth?)* so let's be careful out there! and Pedro, welcome back. you're like a comet swinging by every six months to lay down some proper old skool vituperation. you've been missed.
  • edited 4:09AM
    I know Andy, i got carried away and went off on a tangent. I would really like to remove my post for fear of causing offence but it seems i can't.
  • edited 4:09AM
    Pedro - "up the fucking arse clients" - what is your job?
  • edited 4:09AM
    That's brilliant. I thought Pedro was doing quite well, he got a whole paragraph out before swearing. You should hear him in the pub after a few jars. He can make profound heartfelt sentiments out of multiple uses of the F word, a smattering of the C word and absolutely no proper words at all and it makes perfect sense.
  • edited 4:09AM
    Ed - it's all grist to the mill! Free speech and all that.
  • edited January 2009

    <img src="" height="40%" width="40%">

    I've suddenly realised how much a young David Duchovny looks like Andy
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:09AM
    It's the slightly quizical expression that does it...
  • edited 4:09AM
    Try to stay on topic people. For the record, I look like a far older, more raddled David Duchovny. Two zeds in quizzical, Liz. Now, foxhunting?
  • edited 4:09AM
    Hey, that's my job Andy!
  • edited 4:09AM
    @ andy - woof! I don't care if you're a bit older. I do like DD.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:09AM
    Grr. I had two zeds originally and took one out because it looked wrong. So much for my spelling creds!
  • edited 4:09AM
    Our fox is so cocky it's stopped prowling and now ambles mildy along the street at dusk.

    What would have happened if the fox-hunters had dumped at few hundred foxes in N1 ...?
  • edited 4:09AM
    Came out of the front door a couple of weeks ago and there was a fox on the lawn just poking around. Instead of running off he just looked at me and carried on poking. I wished him/her good evening and went on my way. The foxes round here (Mount Pleasant Villas) do seem to have become very nonchalant in the past year or so. I love them.
  • edited 4:09AM
    No wonder the foxes have become nonchalant - they've obviously become used to some strange sights in N4, what with people fucking their clients up the arse with eggs in their mouths ;)

    Well, I still hate foxes - yuck. And it's really the responsibility of people who are eating fried chicken to dispose of the bones properly.
  • edited 4:09AM
    <i> "people fucking their clients up the arse with eggs in their mouths"</i>

    Have I missed something?

    Who has the egg, the fucker or the fuckee?
  • edited 4:09AM
    is that like a wossname from inxs thing? i thought he used a lemon
  • edited 4:09AM
    @Poxy - maybe it's the fox. Foxes love eggs.
  • edited 4:09AM
    There's something a bit disgusting about eggs, innit. But you can't blame a fox for liking them - that's just nature.
  • edited 4:09AM
    @Peter - the same fox, I suspect
  • edited 4:09AM
    Foxes love egg because it makes their fur shiny.
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