The great dilemma of our age

Over the last few years I have managed to watch all of The West Wing, Sopranos and The Wire on DVD.

What should I watch now?

Someone suggested Mad Men, which seems OK but not quite up to the mark.


  • edited 9:05AM
    mad men is very good.

    if you like aaron sorkin's writing, you should watch studio 60 on the sunset strip. not quite as good as the west wing but has its own charm.

    we also enjoyed firefly, which was a strange sci-fi/western hybrid written by joss whedon of buffy the vampire slayer fame. it's way more mature and layered than buffy.
  • edited 9:05AM
    I'm a big fan of Medium, Lost, Heroes You could start playing video games. Lots of classics
  • edited 9:05AM
  • edited 9:05AM
    Same problem. Just finished the Wire, looking for the next thing. Started Mad Men yesterday - first impressions, it's OK, but it's not the Wire. Arrested Development and Entourage are also good fun, but comedy rather than quality drama.
  • edited 9:05AM
    Admittedly I've not seen the Wire but comparing it with Mad Men seems a little apples and oranges no? Mad Men series 2 is starting on BBC4 soon. Andy have you got the 1st series of Wire I could borrow? Sounds like something I could lose February to. How many series were there?
  • edited 9:05AM
    5 series + Yes, though I think Tim might have it.
  • Unaesthetic and I enjoyed True Blood. I'm not sure if it's available in this country yet. It's an HBO show. It's not in the same league is The West Wing or The Wire, but the writing is pretty good. And vampire Bill is a biscuit.

    Also, if you like courtroom drama, check out Boston Legal. I think the last season just finished in the States. I have friends who planned their week around this show.
  • edited 9:05AM
    and twin peaks! finally both seasons are out on dvd. ok, season 2 kind of lost its way a little bit there, but 75% of it is approaching geniusness.
  • FinFin
    edited 9:05AM
    To all Wire fans- has anyone else spotted Aidan Gillen aka Mayor Carcetti in the area? I've seen him at least twice in Stroud Green, legend.
  • edited 9:05AM
    Generation Kill, started on FX last night, is from the same people that did The Wire. Haven't watched it yet but the reviews sound promising, its about a reporter on the front line in Iraq.

    I'd also recommend Band of Brothers if you haven't seen it it (just out on blu ray too) best thing ever on TV. and thats a Fact!
  • edited 9:05AM
    Mr. Brooker up the road recommends Deadwood.

    Mad Men's good as an exercise in time travel, if a bit slow.

    I quite liked Californication, though maybe not gritty enough for you.
  • edited 9:05AM
    i've been meaning to check deadwood...
  • edited 9:05AM
    Boston Legal is very good. James Spader and William Shatner play it as pantomime. I think we know the road that Mayor Carcetti lives on, but we haven't seen him around in a while, now he's famous an' all.
  • edited 9:05AM
    Just realised if you're on Virgin The Wire series 1 is available on demand.
  • edited January 2009
    I've also heard that Carcetti has been seen on the Parkland Walk, which is very exciting.

    If you haven't watched The Wire, do so - I don't think TV gets any better.

  • edited 9:05AM
    Just looked up who Carcetti is. I saw him the other day (I haven't seen the Wire but remember him from Queer as Folk and some minor stuff) and I was wondering what he was up to now, and now I know. He was crossing the road by Coffee Haven, lol
  • edited 9:05AM
    What series is he in? We've just ploughed through the first 7 episodes of series 1, pretty sure I've not seen him in that or on SGR so far :(
  • edited 9:05AM
    doesn't appear til series 3
  • edited January 2009
    SPOILER ALERT! Not made it past season 3 yet - he's just ******* to *** for *****!

    How about: 'If you haven't watched the Wire yet, no need - Cllr Richard Watts will tell you what happens'?

    Which reminds me...

    @ Ian - nearly done with the DVD of season 3. Just the final three to go (which we'll try and finish over the weekend).

  • edited 9:05AM
    Warning if you watch series one on Virgin, I just did thinking I was watching the last episode. It stops at 11 on Virgin, a very real and annoying 2 episodes short of concluding. High and dry doesn't come close to how I feel.
  • edited 9:05AM
    You can borrow ours.
  • edited 9:05AM
    Thought you said Tim had it? We only see him once every comet?
  • edited 9:05AM
    Deadwood definitely recommended. Watch out though, it's the sweariest thing I've ever watched, and if you watch too much in one go you end up as foul-mouthed as they are. Mad Men I think is excellent - but I agree you can't really compare with some of the other series mentioned here. It's a bit old now, but what about Six Feet Under? I missed out completely when it was on TV, and watched all the series on DVD over a year or so. That was a sad loss when it ended. We have all the box sets if anyone wants to borrow.
  • LizLiz
    edited 9:05AM
    Just finished series 1 of Six Feet Under and I quite agree - great characters that you really care about and lots of moral ambiguity.
  • edited January 2009
    First three or four series of 6ft under were brilliant. I lost interest in it after a bit. Definitely worth picking up if you're new to it.
  • edited January 2009
    Can anyone edit the above post and take the offending spoiler out? It got me too (on last ep of series 3 ) and wouldn't want it to get anyone else..

  • edited January 2009
    @hellojo - Good idea. Done. I've also done a tiny edit on your post (taking out the example) so no-one will ever know. I love the idea that we've got yet another stick to beat a local councillor with. *"There's the dog poo and the council tax and the CPZ and the burglaries AND HE LEAVES SPOILERS FOR THE WIRE ON THE INTERNET"* When series 5 of the Wire was on tv a few months back, I had to completely avoid the guardian website, because they ran a series of features where every single headline was a Wire spoiler.
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