Childcare in Stroud Green

edited February 2009 in Local discussion
Just wanted to see if anyone can help me. I've had a look at past discussions but they're a little out of date now.
I'm looking for Childcare for my son in May (which i'm dreading!). He'll be 7 months old then and I'll be working part time so will only need childcare 3 days a week. Are there any childminders out there that have a vacancy? Does anyone know anyone/ recommend any good childminders? How about Nurserys? I looked into the Asquith one but it seems very pricey and you have to pay 51 weeks of the year and i might not need my son in every week of the year due to my other half being a freelancer.
Any advice would be gratefully received.


  • edited 4:46PM
    Hi Lottie,

    Islington Councils website has a PDF of local childminders - I went to see a few so that would be worth looking at.

    Also, nannyshares, I have some friends doing that around the area on 3 days a week. Slightly more expensive though.

    I actually live across the road from Asquith and decided against going there for lots of reasons besides its great expense. Ive also ruled out Little Angels based on feedback.

    I have found an excellent nursery which I think may be booked up might might be worth looking into which I can pass on the details to you if you would like. They do take babies - I put my son in at 10months but they take younger. The standard of care there is fantastic, the staff has been her for ages and my son loves going there. Its also council run so not too expensive.

    I think there is a waiting list so you might want to look at Childminders first. I will send you the details of the nursery if you would like.

  • edited 4:46PM
    Our first was at Asquith for two months. Really expensive and I didn't rate it at all.

    Whether its a childminder or nursery, you'll have a contract with them and the days will be fixed - so you'll be expected to pay for those days whether you need childcare that day or not. It's normal practice.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Will do.

    I also hear Margaret McMillan is excellent but a tiny bit out of the way for me.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Thanks Bridget, I'd love to find out about that nursery you mentioned.
  • North Islington Nursery is excellent and will be re-opening on Tollington Park in September with an expanded number of places, although competition for places will still be tough so it might be worth getting your name down early. You may also with the try the new-ish Mitford-Holloway nursery on Hornsey Road which might have some places.

    Do have a look on the Council website for lists of childminders and other provision.

    Rather irritatingly Islington Council has just closed the very good Andover Early Years Centre and not replaced all of the lost places. We've also lost the nursery at The Laundry on Sparsholt Road in the last 18 months partly due to a lack of Council funding.

    This is something that we as local councillors are working on, but - sadly - won't have cracked by May.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Good news about North Islington Nursery coming back to Tollington Park (it was meant to be reopening Oct just gone!). Just want to be clear though, their admissions policy is the same as any other Islington nursery - it's not about how long you've been on the list, it's primarily how close you live to the nursery. Don't want to get people's hopes up. And boo hoo about the Laundry, that was ace, do they still do stay and play sesh's though?
  • edited 4:46PM
    and even if you live very close, but are in Haringey, then you are shunted further down the list.
  • edited 4:46PM
    I thought they might do that! I might go to an open day next week - but as i live just off Tollington Park but I'm in Haringey I had a feeling there might be a catch!
    Thanks for everyone's help on this
  • edited 4:46PM
    There are two Asquith nurseries off Stroud Green Road -- one on Dulas St and one at the bottom of Crouch Hill. Bridget and katiejane, which one were you talking about? What did you dislike about it?

    My child is at the Dulas St one and we have had a good experience so far, apart from the price -- but then the only workable cheaper options were the council-run ones which were oversubcribed and couldn't give us a place.
  • Islington's nursery provision has been woeful. Both Margaret Macmillan and North Islington were excellent - until the council seems to have completely screwed up renovating them both/delaying the opening etc. etc... My 2nd boy is now at MMC (where the first was too) and loving it. And North Islington will be great I'm sure - it was always highly recommended.

    Anyway - a few years ago when we were first looking for childcare we looked at the council lists, tried a few and eventually went for a nannyshare. If you fancy that route, I'd recommend - which has helped us find a local family to share with, and also a nanny. Best of luck
  • edited 4:46PM
    @ Alex - it was Dulas St, but about 5 years ago. As with all these things, it's just personal experience - I went to pick up my nine-month old son, who was asleep in a travel cot (so quite deep). The carer pulled him out of the cot by one arm.

    We shifted him to Bowlers where stayed happily till he went to school. My daughter, since January, has been in Tiny Todds on Ashley Road. So far so good, and £42 a day.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Could I resurrect this thread please? I've investigated North Islington, but does anyone have any other up-to-date suggestions as am not hugely optimistic we'll get a place there. Am looking for a nursery or childminder probably from October/November (realise I may be slightly getting ahead of myself here, but other people are starting to panic me). Thanks!
  • edited 4:46PM
    Don't panic! You may have to compromise inthe first instance but places do come up. Bowlers on crouch hill is good. Tiny todds okay. Margaret macmillan supposed to be very good but likely to be over subscribed.

    There's one on blythwood rd which is a community one so assume it's okay. only had experience with bowlers and tiny todds though.
  • AliAli
    edited 4:46PM
    Strange to think that Nursery costs about twice what it cost to send your kid to University but I guess it is expensive because of the staff numbers per child etc and the safety etc that needs to be in place. We found the Crouch Hill nursery okay although the babies where down in the basement ( so I guess they fall upstairs not down) but they do have a nice area out the back with is outside. If your employer offers Child care Vouchers go for them as they will save you money depending on what Tax rate you’re on.
  • edited 4:46PM

    I think it's more to do with the fact that university fees only cover a fraction of the actual university costs. Not sure what percentage of nursery costs are covered by fees, mind you.
  • edited 4:46PM
    @ colette - don't be shy about getting your name down everywhere and pestering. we got the place at bowlers by me calling them out of the blue after his name had been down for three months.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Regards a local nursery, I have experience of 2.... and I would wholeheartedly recommend Margaret macmillan. Getting a place is all down to proximity to the school. They are such a great team at MMcM. North Islington, hmmm, check out the latest Ofsted, gives a fairly accurate impression I reckon...
  • edited March 2010
    @Beek - You seem to have changed your tune about North Islington ? Is this based upon the experience of your children being there or reading the OFSTED report? Glad you like Margaret Macmillan. Would be really interested to know if the 2nd nursery you have experience of is North Islington or whether you are revelling in the report which says improvements could be made due to the fact that they have just undergone a massive refurbishment and their 2 most senior teachers had been off for a significant period, whilst MM has a better report. So please share with us all your specific experience of NI. I could not fault anything about the place but would be glad to be corrected as to what a terrible place it is.
  • edited March 2010
    was going to say that I hear great things about NI, then I thought there's no point - all this stuff's so subjective. What might be great for some parents & kids will be poo for others.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Have also heard good things about NI, and they were very friendly and helpful when I went to chat to them the other day. @katiejane - thanks, will investigate Bowlers and MM!
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