If you want to know, ask a cabby

edited September 2006 in Local discussion
I've decided to start surveying cab drivers about what the area between SGR and Hornsey Road is called. Tonight's verdict: you can call it what you like. Basically, he didn't know, and then told me a long story about he says he lives in Romford but really lives in Rush Green. No idea what that means. Better luck next time maybe.


  • edited 3:39AM
    I was born at Rush Green hospital, and by the power of greyskull I too say I'm from Romford when people ask. The reason is that most people roughly know where Romford is, where as Rush Green, despite giving birth to me, isn't a national landmark.
  • edited 3:39AM
    It's certainly not Hornsey, as that is up by Hornsey High St.

    It's possibly Finsbury Park or Stroud Green.

    Other suggestions? Super Upper Islington? East Highgate Slopes? Tollington?
  • LizLiz
    edited September 2006
    I need to continue my survey (sample size of one is a bit small) but I might be coming round to describing it as Stroud Green. When I asked him where he would have taken me if I said Stroud Green, he said SGR. When I asked him where he would have taken me if I'd say FP, he said the top of Blackstock Road. No contest there then.
  • edited 3:39AM
    Among cabbies, FP hasn't yet shed its "axis of evil" associations, so they tend to think about the south side of the station. I normally ask for Hornsey Road.
  • edited 3:39AM
    _"Tollington & Stroud"_ Could be a pub name, no even better, could be a local Ale name.
  • edited September 2006
    *"Tollington & Stroud"* sounds like a pair of centre forwards from the 1950s.
  • edited 3:39AM
    Arsenal could do with them right now. Grey hair, long shorts, pipe and slippers, knack of latching onto something in the 6 yard area. I'd take Tollington or Stroud right now.
  • LizLiz
    edited 3:39AM
    Tonight's vote: Stroud Green (as Finsbury Park is more east). Though he then 'entertainingly' suggested that we could call it land of the sleeping policemen. Ho ho.
  • edited 3:39AM
    Damn Right. Stroud Green. Stroud Green. Stroud Green. I'm trying to gentrify the value of these domain names!
  • LizLiz
    edited 3:39AM
    And another one (it was a late night at work). He wasn't very sure, but I asked for Stroud Green when I got in the cab and he went in the right direction (sometimes they head towards Highbury Corner/Blackstock Road when I say Finsbury Park). And he agreed it was the best description when I asked him. So I'm definitely on the way to being converted.
  • edited 3:39AM
    So Stroud Green is the best name for Stroud Green? After this, can we challenege the word for Badgers please? I've always felt they're a bit Racoon like and their name should start with an R or be stylised with a double vowel ending.
  • edited 3:39AM
  • edited 3:39AM
    i like that. i can just see some old middle England bloke with his green quilted shooting jacket, taking a shot with the shotgun.... _"ruddy radgers..."_
  • edited 3:39AM
    there wouldn't be anything left of a radger after shooting it with a shotgun. just a puddle of mince.
  • LizLiz
    edited 3:39AM
    Moving controversially back to the original subject of this thread, I've had about another three votes for SG and none for FP since I last posted. It's looking like a white wash (and some tasty humble pie for me).
  • edited September 2006
    Looks like Andy got the domain name right afterall. Hey, while we're on domains shouldn't we be hijacking <http://www.stroudgreen.com>; off Lucy to stop her advertising stroudgreen.net instead of us and offering something like [www.stonehousecottage.co.uk](http://whois.co.uk/cart/order.php?domain=stonehousecottage.co.uk&dex=.co.uk&cwaction=check) in return?
  • edited 3:39AM
    Interesting you should mention that.....
  • edited 3:39AM
    Also, if you want to start a fight between us, ask who precisely is the legal owner of stroudgreen.com...
  • edited 3:39AM
    oy! it's my domain name. You just said it would be easier if we bought it through our account. I paid for it!
  • LizLiz
    edited November 2006
    Now, this strand had veered slightly off course, but given that there's a debate raging elsewhere, I had a pretty timely encounter with a cabby this evening. Me: Finsbury Park please. The road I need is off Tollington Park, near Hornsey Road. Cabby: Oh, you mean Stroud Green? Though I'm still having trouble asking for SG when I get in a cab, my survey has been reasonably conclusive so far.
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