Help your local film makers...

Hi guys,

We are a local (near the Old Dairy) film production company and we are making a 35mm short film in April. We are currently seeking funding to help us along the way. We have raised £17,000 already but need another £5k to complete our goal. We thought we'd turn to our local community to see if they could help.

Half Hearted: The charitable film...

Just £10 can feed a starving crew member for a day...

£50 can provide safe drinking water for an entire camera department through the dry heat of a shoot...

Runners have to carry heavy equipment in sweltering conditions between locations; for £500 you will be happy with the knowledge that they can be given a van so they won't have to struggle miles with equipment on their backs. Or for those who may be feeling the pinch in these straightened times £5 of your English pounds will pay for a large stick to beat them into action.

So, please, invest £10 or whatever you can...

Go to to make your donation.

We are selling shares in Halfhearted Ltd, we have 45,000 shares worth 50p each. So get your wallets out and help us to help YOUR conscience by buying a few. And in these uncertain times we can offer you a cast iron guarantee: you will not see any financial return on your investment.

Interested in being an extra for this exciting 35mm film? Want to see a live tramp fight? Whisper for more information.

(to receive a share certificate you need to invest over £10, although all other amounts will be logged under the name "tightarse").

Whisper your email address if you want to receive the Investment package and the latest version of the script.


Waking up from a boozy night out Mike finds he has more than just a hangover. The half heart tattoo on his arm and the Ukrainian prostitute in his bed wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the imminent return of his girlfriend. Worse still he has no cash to pay off the hooker and his card is still behind a bar somewhere in North London.

With a sore head and hooker in tow, Mike is now in a race to find his money, get rid of Svetlana and somehow explain away the tattoo to his girlfriend. In the process he must avoid having his fingers broken by Svetlana’s pimp, his face bitten off in an underground tramp fight and endure a deep and meaningful coffee in Starbucks. The only question is: who has the other half of Mike’s heart?


  • edited March 2009
    Does get a referrers fee? Or cast in a dirty scene with Svetlana?
  • edited 8:40PM
    We'll put up special thanks to our local and lovely area along with it's great community website... You would be welcome to come down to 3 Mills and see what's going on on one of our set days... I can't promise Svetlana but I'll have a word, a tramp may be easier...
  • edited 8:40PM
    I didn't think liked shameless marketing/begging
  • edited 8:40PM
    Sorry, was that synopsis a joke? Apart from sounding completely unoriginal, not to mention particularly rubbish, I can't believe how misogynistic it is. Please tell me this is just a scam and you're not really making a film - I'd be happier.
  • edited 8:40PM
    This reminds me of when we used to live in Stoke Newington. There was a tiny bedsit in the same house. It had a single bed and a small, beat-up couch. There was barely enough room to walk between the two.

    At one point, half a dozen Ukranian men moved into that room. They were mostly harmless, except that they used up all of the hot water in the building. Occasionally, they'd get a hooker (to share?). We'd come home and find some girl stumbling down the stairs, wearing a leopard-print skirt and carrying a Bacardi Breezer.
  • edited 8:40PM
    I think you are all being a bit harsh! We should welcome people from SG who are trying to get projects off the ground!
  • edited 8:40PM
    @ Pete It probably doesn't and I don't blame it...

    @ Emine Perhaps you'd like to read the full script before you make your decision. I would be extremely happy to email it over to you if you whisper me your email address. As for the misogyny; I wouldn't worry your pretty little head about it...

    @r_c I bet she was walking like John Wayne.

    @ Nix Thanks, the support is much appreciated.
  • edited March 2009
    Simply featuring a prostitute or infidelity by a man in a film doesn't make it misogynistic does it? That would make a film with Lassie in trouble misocynistic.
  • edited 8:40PM
    Are you the people who were filming on Mount Pleasant Villas a few weeks ago?
  • edited 8:40PM
    On the subject of plugging stuff, I think we've said that the test is being interesting and relevant rather than commercial/non-commercial. It's like a noticeboard in a coffeeshop, so local film stuff is in my view, bang on. No-one makes short films for the money. Not even misogynistic ones, so if you like the script, why not? Well done for raising £17k already. I think you should have the longest credits in history with every donor listed. Or you could pan past a sign at some point in the film with all the donors photos on it. Make it a special feature in the DVD release. (there will be a DVD release won't there?) You should also have a local screening. I've banged on in the pub about doing a Stroud Green Film Festival, mixing local shorts, films set round here and other stuff all screened in local pubs+restaurants etc. Does anyone else think that's a good idea?
  • edited 8:40PM
    @ andy - i think it's a good idea, but then I think I was probably there in the pub when "banging on" was going on.
  • edited 8:40PM
    @ Duncan No that wasn't us, we're filming from the 8th to the 11th.

    @ Andy We should definitely have a Stroud Green screening, we are hoping it will be finished by September including all the grading and colouring etc.

    We are filming the tramp the "tramp fighting scene in 3 Mills studio at Bromley by Bow on Saturday the 11th of April if anyone is interested in coming down and being part of a baying crowd and seeing the shoot. I warn now that it won't be the shortest of days but we will feed you and pay for you travelcard.
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