Hello Tamsin and Trevor

edited April 2009 in Local discussion
I hadn't met anyone in real life who has admitted to being a member of this forum, until I met you two in Jai Krishna. I now know that the characters on this forum are not figments of my imagination. I hope I didn't put you off your meal with my loudly-voiced menu-related indecision (I chose well, in case you are concerned).

(sorry to everyone who isn't Tamsin or Trevor)


  • edited 5:12AM
    hello mapsa (can I use your real name or is the pseudonym intentional for your on-line persona?) its tamsin here!

    There are indeed real people on this forum, band sometimes we may meet in the real world too.

    having now done my first posting to the forum, and it not being a restaurant review, i now hope to be able to review the may fine restaurants we have on SGR without being subject to suspicion that i own one!
  • edited 5:12AM
    i know people on this board on other internet sites, but not (yet) irl. (ok, and i'm married to rainbow_carnage)
  • edited 5:12AM
    I had hoped that we would spot someone at the Petek opening, but quite how I could spot people I don't know is beyond me. I think the only one I might have a clue about would be poxy/phil.
  • edited 5:12AM
    Are you saying that Poxy and Phil are one and the same? Is there anyone else with multiple personalities? Is this whole thing a big ruse by one person with a lot of time on their hands?
  • RegReg
    edited 5:12AM
    @tosscat, are you proposing a secret handshake? Or a wink? On Saturday, members of SG.org should wink at everyone they pass on SGR. Then if another member recognises the sign the winked should approach the winkee and give them a hug. Or something.
  • edited 5:12AM
    If you wink at someone on SGR and get a punch in the face, don't say I didn't warn you.
  • edited 5:12AM
    I will be in the 10k. You'll be able to spot me there. Easy.
  • edited 5:12AM
    @unaesthetic: Which other boards? And how do you know they're the same people?
  • edited 5:12AM
    Are you on the one that Doug organises, Ua?
  • edited 5:12AM
    <i>I think the only one I might have a clue about would be poxy/phil.</i>

    I'm scared. Very scared.
  • edited 5:12AM
    Me and David are the same person, like jekyll and hyde.
  • edited 5:12AM
    i have my contacts... for example on last.fm (and not just thru the sg.org group). my username tends to be the same around the interweb (although there is also some american photographer/geek blogger who goes by unaesthetic). i have also made a few online friends, for example off livejournal, whom i now know irl.
  • edited 5:12AM
    @ Poxy - You had a funny avatar somewhere with you with a shaved head and gigs.
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