Random stabbing in Stroud Green Road

I am amazed that amidst the energetic chat about the best pubs and coffee houses on this site nobody seems interested in discussing a random knife attack on Stroud Green Road.

I'll repeat my posting: my neighbour has just been discharged from hospital after being the victim of a random knifing on SGR. It happened a few days ago. He was walking up SGR after leaving the pub and was stabbed twice in the back from behind by unknown assailants. He didn't see a thing and just woke up in hospital. There was no provocation and nothing stolen. Apparently police consider it was a gang intiation thing.

To be honest I am totally freaked out.


  • edited 2:37PM
    Very very scary; have been thinking about it since I saw your post....
  • edited 2:37PM
    I tend to get drunk a lot and end up wondering home along SGR on my own. It hasnt really bothered me until last Sunday when I practically ran all the way from MVR down MPV and down SGR because there seemed to be a lot of strange people hanging around at 3am on a Sunday night. I nearly always stop at Woody's just to see people who probably wont stab me
  • edited 2:37PM
    what is there to discuss? if you think about it for too long of course it will freak you out. i am obviously very sorry that it happened to your neighbour and it's great that he apparently wasn't too seriously injured, but why should i let myself get scared about it? if i thought too much about every stabbing that happened in london i would never leave the house. things like this very very rarely happen to people who are not involved in gang stuff. this man was terribly unlucky. but surely the "energetic chat about the best pubs and coffee houses" is a sign that there is more to this area than stabbings, and that SGR is an area that is going uphill rather than downhill. seriously, what could you do about it? what could any of us do to prevent this sort of thing happening? there are weirdos around. i don't like walking home alone at night. but don't let anyone say, as someone did on the other thread that "this area is so dodge". there are plenty of places far far worse. (and don't worry i won't come running to you when i get my bag nicked outside nandos)
  • edited May 2009
    I think of this as a safe area and always have and it will not stop me walking about at night.

    What is scary to me is that this happened to someone unrelated to gang violence. Most gang violence is directed at members of other gangs or at least towards male teenagers and young men - kids preying on kids.

    I am not a teenager and neither is my neighbour. It makes me feel anyone (male, any age) could be a target.

    It also makes me wonder if any of the N8, Manor House or Wood Green crews are moving in on N4. Why pick on a random stranger in SGR?

    That's what to discuss, if anyone has any suggestions.
  • edited 2:37PM
    I don't know what the N8, Manor House or Wood Green crews are, so I don't feel qualified to comment.
  • edited 2:37PM
    If you were 14, you'd know all about them.

    I have a son of 13. He travels happily all over north London, but after dark, always, always with friends.

    When he recently needed to pick something up one evening from a mate who lives in one of the estates off Stroud Green Road, he asked me to accompany him.

    That's what it's like as a male teenager in London right now.
  • edited 2:37PM
    To call them "crews" perhaps give them a legitimacy they don't deserve. Why has this not got any coverage in the real media? When this happened, it got national press: <http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article788145.ece>; This doesn't even seem to have grazed the attention of the local media.
  • edited 2:37PM
    I agree with Sophie. It is terrible but happens all the time and across many ages. What was the story a few months back where I guy got bashed over the head and killed because he was mistook for the person his feral wife had tried to point out for being a bit rude in a supermarket queue? He wasn't a male teenager.

    Everywhere I've lived there's been some form of unprovoked attack, from the 'burbs to the city centres, from when I was a kid up until now. It's not big, clever or acceptable, the threat is real, but I'm not for talking myself into a paranoia that Stroud Green is a focal point of gang violence.
  • edited 2:37PM
    Yes, I agree, stuff happens. Get on with it. Move on. OK

    My point is this was not a mugging or a revenge attack. It just....happened.

    I still think Stroud Green is safe. I just feel sorry for the poor bastard who became a statistic, painfully and scarily.
  • edited 2:37PM
    I feel for your Neighbour - very unlucky. But also very lucky. I do think that there's not much been said about it because this sort of stuff happens in every city. Sometimes much worse. I'm not saying it _should_ happen, but that's just the society we live in. You shouldn't be surprised. Best get well wishes to the victim of the crime.
  • edited 2:37PM
    But krappy has a point…there’s more news coverage and discussion of changes in parking regulations and CPZs than there is about a random stabbing on the high street.

    Is that because there really isn’t much local coverage in the media other than the Evening Standard?

    Though I appreciate and that there is less of an emphasis ‘if it bleeds it leads’ here, I sometimes find it frustrating that incidents such as these are not reported on, or if they mentioned, rarely ever followed up on.
  • edited 2:37PM
    In this other thread about this there was a link to a Harringey news website featuring an article on this. I've not looked for more.
  • edited 2:37PM
  • edited 2:37PM
    @Andy. I scanned this. I am NOT worried about my kids. I am worried about ME :-)
  • edited 2:37PM
    Stay in krappy, and stockpile baked beans.
  • edited 2:37PM
    What a good idea. Anyone who approaches me from behind knows what they're going to get.
  • edited 2:37PM
    there's no stabbing like random stabbing like no stabbing i know
  • edited 2:37PM
    like you've just stepped out of a salon
  • AliAli
    edited 2:37PM
    A few years ago a blue suit on his way up SGR late one Friday was kidnapped at gun point at the Chicken shop that used to be Davies & Davies Office before they moved into the shop on the corner.
    He was driven around London for a couple of hours and dumped in Dalston.
    Where about in SGR did this incident occur ?
  • edited 2:37PM
    Yes, let's have more details. I don't think taking the police view of this as a gang initiation ritual is necessarily wise or prudent.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:37PM
    What time of day did it happen?
    Walking down to the tube this morning got me wondering about how may people journeys there must be up and down SGR each day. There must be thousands or even tens of thousands and over a year it must be a hell of a lot which means teh odds on something random like this must be very low.
  • edited 2:37PM
    How can a stabbing be both an every day occurrence and at the same time extremely rare?

    Those seem to be the two prevailing sides. I don’t think being attacked and stabbed on the way home from the pub should be dismissed so easily either way.
  • edited 2:37PM
    @JoeV - you've hit the nail on the head here.

    I don't think it is an everyday occurrence (round here). Folks shrugging their shoulders and saying 'that's the way it is' makes it feel much worse. Because it isn't.
  • edited 2:37PM
    The national lottery happens twice a week, but you don't win it twice a week do you?
  • AliAli
    edited 2:37PM
    Has anyone got any idea where about on SGR this happened i.e. Tube end or Top end and what sort time of day
  • edited 2:37PM
    @David: I may not win twice a week, you may not win twice a week but thousands do win all sorts of prizes every week – it’s not such a rarity.

    @Ali: Details are sketchy, not much is known other than what krappyrubsnif posted at the top.
  • edited 2:37PM
    Sweet lord. Keep calm and carry on. Don't let yourselves be whipped into a frenzy.
  • edited 2:37PM
    <i>... thousands do win all sorts of prizes every week</i>

    Sorry, but <b>BOLLOCKS!</b> Nobody wins every week.
  • edited 2:37PM
    Tax on the poor.
  • edited 2:37PM
    Idiot tax is how I know it.
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