Crouch End 10k run

Apparently the CE 10k run next Sunday is actually 'full' and has been for weeks, although nobody has bothered to tell anyone.

Luckily I have got a place so this is not sour grapes. But most people I know who usually run can't do so this year. This is the first time in living memory they have made such a dog's breakfast. The organisers seem to have completely screwed it up. Nobody has bothered to tell anyone (eg by posting on the website) that it's 'full' and the Hornsey Journal has been merrily continuing to promote it for weeks.

Mrs Krappy found out it was 'full' when she went down to the YMCA in person a week ago. She was told she couldn't run. Two of Krappy's cousins are flying down from Scotland as usual to run - and they haven't got places either. I also know four or five other local people who normally run, and won't be able to this year. For some it's the first time in 14 or 15 years they have not been able to. This is an annual event for some people and it's really unfair on them.

I blame the organisers for trying to 'professionalise' it and turn it into a serious running event instead of a family day out - what's all this about ludicrous microchip timers and all that bollocks? The event usually attracts 800-1000 runner I believe but it's been massively hyped on the Internet and this year there are 1400 I believe. That's much too big. The implications are horrible - now it is going to attract all the worst kind of competitive uber-athletes, so ordinary 'fun runners' and locals who just want to plod around (like me) are going to be elbowed out (literally). It's a very narrow course and totally unsuitable for serious runners wanting to get personal bests and all that stuff. It's just not that kind of event.

Priority should be given to local people and 'leisure'runners.

I have got a place but it won't be much fun without many of my mates who have run it year after year and it's not going to be the same event. Unless they change the system, I don't think I'll be doing it again.

Does anyone else find they have been excluded?


  • edited 4:03AM
    Unaesthetic and I signed up weeks ago. We just got our numbers and timing chips in the post.

    I hope this isn't going to be an uber-competitive run. I'm in no shape for that. If I wanted to compete, I'd be doing the Regent's Park races.

    Now I'm going to do really terribly and end up feeling bad about myself. Meh.

    I hope they at least have doughnuts.
  • edited May 2009
    I just checked Runner's World, and it doesn't even say that the Crouch End race is full.

    In case anyone is interested, there's a <a href="">10k</a> in Finsbury Park in August. It's organised by The Stroke Association. Entry is cheap, but you have to raise at least £150 for the cause.
  • edited September 2009
    I just found out it was full today as well. In past years I have turned up and paid on the day. If anyone has a spare number (injured or can't run for some other reason) then please let me know. Your complaints are heartfelt but surely unfair on the organisers. They've done nothing wrong except organise a very popular event. I'm disappointed to miss out as well but it's entirely my own fault. These races do sometimes gain in popularity over the years, and the Crouch End race must simply have great and growing word-of-mouth, which is not the promoter's fault but a testament to their good efforts. If they have more runners than usual then they can't be accused of excluding people compared to previous years. They did flag on the entry form that "Races are often full long before Race Day, so please enter early to avoid disappointment". For anyone who wants to run a 10km race reasonably local, I can recommend the [Regents Park series]( which happens every first Saturday of the month and can be entered on the day (subject to capacity). Another great bet is the Hampstead Midsummers 10km which will be on Sunday 21st June. Details will be [here]( though it doesn't look like they've updated the page for 2009 yet.
  • edited May 2009
    The Regents Park series is very competitive. It's popular with serious runners and fills up months in advance. The next two runs are already full.

    If anyone is interested in a half-marathon, there's one in <a href="">Homerton</a> in August. Don't know if it's any good, but it's relatively cheap.

    Also, the <a href="">Grand Union Canal half-marathon</a> is lovely. I ran in the inaugural race a couple years ago. It's not until November, but it'll be full long before then. The only thing is that it's an absolute bitch to get to if you don't have a car. I had to get up at 5am to catch the train. Oh, and someone stole the (tap) water from the water station before the race started. Nice.
  • edited 4:03AM
    kudos to your mates for flying in from Scotland to participate in the internationally-renowned Crouch End 10k. But they're not exactly local are they? The rainforest peiople do a 10k in finno in November:
  • edited 4:03AM
    Cousins. Excuse me, whatever happened to 'family'? They will be sleeping on my sofa, poor darlings!
  • edited 4:03AM
    good luck to everyone who's running tomorrow. may none of us drop dead of a previously-undiagnosed heart condition.
  • edited 4:03AM
    Well that was alright, am not a serious runner, and registered about 2 weeks ago and was around number 1100ish.

    Agree though, far too narrow a course for the number of people, was walking at a couple of points though assume that's normal at the start(?)

    Though thought it well organised though, couldn't complain about that. Decent turn out of supporters given the rubbishy weather too.

    Would say that it didn't seem to have a particularly 'fun' atmosphere amongst the runners, did feel like a serious business. The staff were all fun though, they were great.
  • edited 4:03AM
    @optimo Well done. Was that you that nudged past me in the final five hundred metres? I came in well towards the bottom of the field too.

    Good running weather despite the freezing rain, I thought.

    Used to come in about half waydown the card (55 minutes) in this race, but since life-saving medical treatment three years ago have still not recovered the stamina to get back up to speed. How frustrating is that. Frankly I don't mind though. Better late than late, if you see what I mean.

    You can't have been in the 1100s though, only 997 ran. <a href="">Results.</a>
  • edited 4:03AM

    meant my number was in the around 1100 when I registered, to give an idea of how many people had applied up to about 2 weeks ago.

    I finished in the high 400s. Those results are different from the times posted yesterday on the clip timing website, guess that's from when the gun went.

    Well done on keeping coming back for more!
  • edited 4:03AM
    i particularly enjoyed the warden at the first crossing of priory road (just out of the park, must have been less than 200m into the run) shouting "well done!" at everyone...

    finished in 50 mins, which is pretty good for a first attempt i think!
  • edited May 2009
    photies up now <a href="">here</a>
  • RegReg
    edited 4:03AM
    So, did anyone run as the Village People?
  • edited May 2009
    there's nothing like an attractive photo of a gurning, red-faced sweating runner about to cross the finish line...
  • edited May 2009
    looking through the pics, there's some celebs in a sweat if you like that kind of thing.

    They seem to have removed the Jake 'Max from Eastenders' Wood pic...

    Someone was dressed as a nun.

    *removes stalker cloak*
  • edited 4:03AM
    I did the run and enjoyed it (especially the doughnut). The main pity about the weather was that there weren't as many people supporting.

    Ran near the nun for a while, <a href="">there was a mass nun run recently</a>

    My goal this year was to beat an hour ( which I did ), next year's goal is to beat Max from Eastenders.
  • edited 4:03AM
    I think that the race has just become popular. The under eight boys race was full long before the adult one and that can't be because of the professionals. I agree that it is not a great circuit to get a PB.

    I enjoyed it despite the rain. What was Max from Eastenders' time? Is he on the results list as Max from Eastenders?
  • edited 4:03AM
    I was surprised by the timing tag - I thought before the race that it was a gimmick but the end of the race was far more organised this year rather than last year. Max came in in 54 mins.
  • edited 4:03AM
    Any other celebs we can stalk?! Paul Tonkinson did a respectible 43mins.
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