stroud green better than crouch end

edited June 2009 in Local discussion
i know you were all thinking about this controversial topic!
but i will throw it out there, 1- we have 10 pubs
2 - pappagones!
3 - culturally diverse
4 - tesco
5 - leads towards blackstock rd
6 - karmenz
im sure theres loads more ......


  • edited 11:59PM
    How can you possibly include Tescos in your top 6 list? True, it has a nice selection of stuff crammed into a little store, but the queues and check-outs bring me close to a breakdown every time I go in there.
  • edited 11:59PM
    The queues prove how good a shop it is. Its problem is it is too popular. Oh, and that they never open all the tills at once.
  • edited June 2009
    Underground, excellent bus hub, less 4x4 prams. Wigs. It all helps.
  • edited 11:59PM
    pubs, people, restaurants, cafes, local community website *ahem*, pizza.

    no tourists and no passing trade from commuters mean that it keeps its neighbourhood vibe..

    not sure tescos or karmenz are going to make it on to most people's list.
  • edited 11:59PM
    The tills and queuing system at Tesco's needs to be completely rearranged. The queues are enormous and prevent you from looking for what you want in some aisles.

    Agree with the SG-love, though: Pappaggone, Jack's, pubs, lovely houses, the neighbourhood cats, excellent transport, etc etc
  • edited 11:59PM
    The staff at tesco's need to be completely re-arranged!
  • edited 11:59PM
    Noone mentioned Ms Featherstone. You just don't get that sort of entertainment elsewhere...
  • edited June 2009
    stroud green has better transport, fewer trendy nobs (without a k) and is generally less like 200 yards of a plush surrey market town dumped in the middle of hornsey. then again crouch enders don't seem to feel the need to justify why they think crouch end is better than stroud green, which probably says something.
  • edited 11:59PM
    Too many buggies in crouch end. It's tricky to walk down the street without a collision with a small person.
  • edited June 2009
    @injoke good point. It's like people from Manchester constantly saying why it's better than London and the Londoner's response is "eh?"
  • edited 11:59PM
    because living in london (or crouch end), you're given no reason not to think that anywhere else could possibly be better, yet living somewhere great but scruffy like stroud green, where you see smug self-satisfied <strike>southerners</strike> crouch-enders going about their self-important business, you feel the need to speak up...
  • edited 11:59PM
    I think the premise of this whole thread is odd. Compiling and comparing lists to prove that where you live is better than somewhere half a mile away. If you ask me, Stroud Green has a bit of an inferiority complex. A lot of things about Crouch End are really nice. It doesn't make Stroud Green 'better' to somehow prove that Crouch End is 'worse'.
  • edited 11:59PM
    apples better than pears, lol, have a good weekend everyone
  • edited 11:59PM
    Blackstock Road? What a hideous experience it is walking down there! I'm just greatful we dont have the CE desperate housewives brigade.
  • edited 11:59PM
    I like Crouch End, and Blackstock. Clearly for different reasons. I also like living between them. I don't like Stepney Green or Peckham. Essentially, North London is my bag and I'd claim that it's better than the other bits of London, does that qualify as a complex?
  • edited 11:59PM
    No that's fine. I think it's well established that North London is better than South..
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