The Larrik

Why does everyone hate the Larrik?


  • edited 2:47AM
  • edited 2:47AM
    No atmosphere, overpriced bad beer, bad food are 3 reasons why it doesn't do it for me...
  • edited 2:47AM
    Mind you, they have stiff competition on the "overpriced bad beer" front from the Dairy.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I've never had a bad pint at the Larrik. I believe the Noble is more expensive.

    The atmosphere is better early on - after about eight they turn the music up, so if by atmosphere you mean 'can comfortably talk to my mates without shouting', then I am with you there.

    If price is a factor try the Nick. Excellent, well-priced beer - most of it on the carpet.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:47AM
    The Abbot is always very good in the Larrik. The crap loud music is the issue !
  • edited 2:47AM
    Can't stand the place. It's like a big ABO (All Bar One) only worse. Anyway - they don't let kids in. Over to you David...
  • edited 2:47AM
    Actuallyt, they do let kids in.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I cant stand the Larrick, I dont know why - I walk in and then walk out.

    Its always empty. Even though I dont like it I dont want it to close - strange...
  • edited 2:47AM
    I thought I didn't like it, but then we had a big power cut just before a crucial Arsenal CL match, and I had to run over to the Larrick to watch the game there, on my own... everyone was very friendly to me, so it's gone up in my estimation since then. Their nachos were lousy though.
  • edited 2:47AM
    Bad food, lack of atmosphere do it for me. That and a girl I used to see went behind my back with a guy who lived above it. I know how to hold a grudge!
  • edited 2:47AM
    Food is rubbish but beer is fine, is empty most the time outside footy matches but with the Noble and Dairy doing the food thing, does that really matter? Sometimes the last thing I want is a gastropub and even if it is a bit of a big ABO at least its an alternative. Throw in the Fullback and a few of the other more basic boozers and we have a good selection of pubs. If they were all like the Dairy it'd be very dull. I'd love some clarification on whether they let kids in.
  • edited 2:47AM
    Re: Kids in the Larrik We've been 3 times, over the last year or so, with babies/toddlers in tow for sunday lunch. 2 times fine, then the last time got mega scowls from staff towards sprogs. Who were behaving beautifully I have to say, sitting on laps and sleeping in buggies. This, coupled with rubbish organisation in the kitchen, mean it's a last choice for us for pub lunches.
  • edited 2:47AM
    So we're thinking they're allowed but not welcome?
  • edited 2:47AM
    I don't like the Larrik because it's soulless, and the big screen in the back for footy is useless if it's a daytime match because the sun shines right onto it :\ Having said that, we're so spoilt for choice round here for pubs that the main reason I don't go there is simply that there are better options.
  • edited 2:47AM
    It's always rather hot, I find.
  • edited 2:47AM
    @ matt - you're better off without her. He deserved the deceitful little minx.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I know! it was a long time ago, she was a bit messed up and I was in too deep
  • edited 2:47AM
    Was in the Larrik last night for weekly catch up. The chef is wearing a fetching white bandanna. Apparently this is not a fashion item - injury at work. The word is that a bunch of diddycoys (not my phrase) living in the flats behind Sparsholt Road (visiting Stroud Green for a two-week alcoholic family funeral) took over the pub on Sunday night in high spirits and started to smash the place up. Order was restored but only after the chef got punched around a bit - or hit by a bit of flying cutlery.

    Those of our peripatetic brethren who have not returned to their homes across the water are now helping her majesty's constabulary.

    That's what I like about the Larrik - you get all the gossip.

  • edited 2:47AM
    I had to look it up.
  • edited 2:47AM
    We like the Larrik: staff are friendly and last night's burgers were very good. Husband was at the Dairy with others from work on Friday evening (before coming back to the Larrik for Wales v France) and said staff there are still very rude, maybe because he's over 30? The Larrik may need sprucing up, but at least it's welcoming to everyone.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I've often thought the mix of Dairy venue/kitchen with Larrik staff would be great, but that would essentially be a big version of the Noble. In one final moan about the Dairy _(but I still go there so please keep this in context)_ I paid the staff a little more attention and think I worked out damok or at least the manager for the night - and he was one of the three staff that ignored me on that famous winter day.
  • edited March 2009
    <i>< deleted ></i>
  • edited 2:47AM
    Awesome, I've never been barred. Even though its not via a bouncer collaring me, I feel a bit more street.
  • edited 2:47AM
    hi david... i finished the night of the big freeze at about 8.30pm; maybe i did ignore you but that might have been because it was so busy we were running around like blidiots. as a matter of fact, three staff? could have been me, or my dad who came over from canada the day before and was trying to help us clear tables, or the full time member of staff who managed to make it in that day. can't understand the rude thing, but then again i worked in hoxton square for 5 years so after that service everywhere else seems so pleasant and friendly.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I think the Larrik has really lost the plot now.

    No customers, no atmosphere, poor food, depressed bar staff. Shame because in the early days, it was a really attractive gastro pub with some of the foxiest barmaids in town.

    I give it until the end of the year. Unless it's saved by the new football season.
  • edited July 2009
    Football season will save it to an extent I'd say. It is a shame how its lost its old custom to a rise in seemingly aggressive drunk Eastern European men.

    I'm not sure what it can do though. Kitchen can improve but with Dairy/Noble already doing that well, I'm not sure it'd make much difference.

    I still prefer the layout of the Larrik to the Dairy, if not the decor/atmosphere. Maybe if they tried opening out a little onto Japan Crescent it'd give them an angle the Dairy hasn't got but probably license issues around that.

    What could they do that'd thrive amongst quite tough competition?
  • edited 2:47AM
    i've never got on with the larrik: uncomfy seats, bright lights, overpriced everything. just not my kind of place i guess, if they're seriously losing business to that perennial SG sink of glum, resigned loss-making the noble then i'd venture that nothing short of a complete rethink is going to save them.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I suspect the last six (respectable) customers from the Larrik are shortly going to take their business to the Noble.

    Why is the Noble a "sink of glum, resigned loss-making"?
  • edited 2:47AM
    i'm almost certainly being unfair, i haven't been in the latest incarnation all that much. pretty much every time i've been in there over the last few years of buyouts and refurbs it's been pretty much empty and the bar staff have had a going-down-with-the-ship air about them.
  • edited 2:47AM
    I don't think that is a fair description of The Noble at all. Currently, it seems to be a very happy ship. The crew and passengers all appear very happy with the route and the destination. Full steam ahead!
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