Swayze then Floyd

edited September 2009 in General chat
I just don't know anymore. What will become of the world without Pat and Keith?


  • Watched a bit of the show last night where Keith Allen met Keith Floyd - it was poor T.V. and reminded me what a nob Keith Allen is. I hope that it wasn't him watching or fretting about that show that brought on Floyds heart attack.

    Growing up, my nan and grandad used to love Floyd and for many people of their generation it was an introduction to many different foods from places like Thailand, Malaysia, regional Spain and Italy. Many of then chefs we get on T.V. today will thank him for revolutionising their genre. He always seemed to be having a great time and it is sad he wound up hitting the bottle and coming to a sad end.

    As for Mr Swayze - most people will remember Ghost or Dirty Dancing but I'll remember him for Roadhouse and his performance in Youngblood - which were both ace! Not sure if anyone watches the Trailer Park Boys, but I also love the Swayze gags in that - he's a legend!
  • edited 5:52AM
    And yet John Hannah and Worrel-Thompson live. *shakes fist at sky*
  • edited 5:52AM
    Oh I'm [with you on the Roadhouse](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/891/building-next-to-john-jones/#Item_43) front. When I saw the news this morning the first thing that went through my head was _"Ooooo, they might put Roadhouse on at the weekend. Must scan the weekends listings."_
  • Very sad, but not altogether unsurprising, about Keith Floyd. Watching the tributes makes you realise how sanitised TV is now - I'd like to see Nigela try cooking on a fishing boat in a force 10 gale.
  • edited 5:52AM
    There are a number of sentences in which 'Nigela', 'force 10 gale' and 'like to see' start to make sense.
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