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20mm disc in a laptop

edited October 2009 in General chat
Sorry to be boring but can anybody help.

I just bought a spoecial USB - serial cable that comes with drivers on a titchy 20mm CD-rom disc.

How the heck can I put a disc this size into a laptop that has a slot-in CD/DVD drive made for grown-up CDs? This midget thingie just goes half way in and does nothing, and I've had to get it out again using a pair of tweezers.

The words "effing" and "useless" come to mind ( not to mention "frustrating").

Do I have to go and find a friend with a tray-type CD/DVD player, and copy the drivers onto a proper CD-rom? Would that work? Why the heck has someone sold the stuff to me on a CD-rom with growth impairment in the first place? Is there a reason I should know about? Suggestions appreciated - thanks.


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