Good Doctors?

edited November 2009 in General chat
Hello again!

i don't mean to be boring but...

I did want to find out peoples opinions on doctors in the area?
I'm going to have to find a new surgery but don't know where's decent now? I used to be a patient at hornsey rise but there was only 1 doctors there I felt comfortable seeing so I'd rather find a surgery with at least 2 good doctors. Or am I asking the impossible? lol


  • edited November 2009
    I have had very good experiences at 151 Medical Practice and I think Dr Ramnani is a great doctor.
  • edited 10:16AM
    Just back from the Queenswood in Crouch End. The nadir of the visit was when the GP asked "What made you think we could help?" Don't go.
  • edited 10:16AM
    Depending on where you live (we are Stapleton Hall Rd area) - you may make catchment for some of the Crouch End Surgeries. We are with Christchurch Hall Surgery, Edison Road. Open until 7 twice a week, at least 2 Drs and will refer readily if needed. We moved there from Morris-Davies on the corner of Stroud Green and Hanley Road - or Dr Death as he is known in our house. Misdiagnosed a catalogue of long term illnesses with our son from birth, we had to write to the PCT and ask to be removed from his register so we could go elsewhere.
  • edited 10:16AM
    @copycara WOW! how scary! will giv them a miss then.

    @tosscat lol how ridiculous altho having said that I went to the Hornsey Rise practice with my sis some time early this year as she suffers with not so great kidneys. We were sat with the doctor and my sis was explaing the pain etc and that her kidney probs were long exsisting blah blah...the best line ever was when the DOCTOR said
    "You should see a doctor about that" !!!!!!! Im telling the truth I swear! My sisters face was a picture and I couldn't help but to laugh!
    Oh lordie help us...what is the world coming to :0)
  • edited 10:16AM
    There have been quite a few threads on doctors already.
    <a href="">Here</a>, <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>.

    I'd particularly recommend the Clockhouse surgery on Park Road in Crouch End - they're brilliant.
  • edited 10:16AM
    Thank u Giles :)
  • edited 10:16AM
    To anyone registered at the SGR/Hanley corner surgery: Dr Morris-Davies has gone on sabbatical leave. There is a new partner at the surgery and (I think) a locum.
  • edited 10:16AM
    I saw the locum last week and he was very good.
  • edited 10:16AM
    any updates on this? thinking of moving from hornsey rise (I guess it's a bad omen when you wait till Saturday morning so you can go to Camidoc instead because they do a more thorough consultation).

    Loathe to leave Islington for the above reason, but wondered where the Haringey out of hours is? Don't fancy a schlep to St Anne's...
  • edited 10:16AM
    We are registered with Christchurch Hall Surgery on Edison Rd in Crouch End, there are two doctors, one male, one female and a locum who does the extended hours until 7pm 2 nights a week. They seem pretty good at referring if needed.

    And we have access to Camidoc for out of hours.
  • edited 10:16AM
    How does out of hours work?

    We're registered with a practice in Holborn. I had to see a doc on a Saturday. Called NHS Direct to get advice. They sent me to St Anne's.

    So is it done based on where you live or where you're registered? Our consultants are at UCH.
  • edited 10:16AM
    finally a first post from me so hello all :) I used the comments on here last year to find a competent drs surgery and signed up with The Vale Practice in Park Rd - it hasn't disappointed. Thorough, exc. for referrals, preventative medicine, etc. I see Dr Webb and also Dr Deo (part-time n also with specialist interest in some dermotology areas).
  • edited 10:16AM
    With Camidoc, I think out of hours is done on the basis of whether you're surgery has 'signed up' to them as they are a north London cooperative, not specific to Haringey, as I used them when living in Islington too.

    If I call my Dr out of hours, the machine gives out their number, and they operate out of a clinic in the Whittington among other places.

    Always been very good when we have needed them, mostly for the kids, but also gave me some excellent drugs when I had a trapped nerve once. So definitely worth asking when you register with a Dr if they have an out of hours facility.
  • edited 10:16AM
    Saw a locum at the SGMC this morning, she was rubbish...

    Come back Frank!
  • edited 10:16AM
    Crouch Hill Surgery in Crouch end!
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