Stroud Green ice skating

edited December 2009 in Local discussion
I don't think Harringey have done too well this year. Still no grit on Scarborough Road after three days, and the pavements here and on Upper Tollington Park are almost sheer ice.

Still, I rang up Harringey and they promised they'd put some grit on the pavements here over the next few hours.

Request your road gets gritted on 020 8489 0000 ...


  • edited 5:48AM
    Thanks for the tip. Manor View and Stapleton Hall Rd are murderous.
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  • AliAli
    edited 5:48AM
    When I called 020 8489 0000 they gave out 0208 885 7700 as being the number for gritting. If you can get through try the online facility at Threaten to sue if you break a leg as I would think you would have reasonable grounds in that this weather ahs been forecast since around 14th December.
  • IanIan
    edited 5:48AM
    I wonder whether more accidents and injuries to people are avoided by: a) clearing roads and pavements of snow and ice; or b) by speed humps. Just wondering as I say...
  • edited 5:48AM
    To that very point, we just saw a car wheelspinning frantically trying to get over an icy speedbump on Fonthill and then gently bump the car in front of it.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Ferme Park Rd is now a deathtrap. Cars bumping into each other and people trying to push each other's vehicles up the hill...

  • edited 5:48AM
    It's all a bit out of control out there. Looks like they've stopped running buses. And not a gritter in sight ...
  • edited 5:48AM
    There's a bit on the Haringey website that effectively says "We grit these roads here and here, but nowhere else because it usually melts before we get there anyway. There are grit boxes somewhere on the street for you to use, but we can't tell you where as we don't understand how to provide marginally useful information on the interweb".

    I can understand my street (a crescent) not getting gritted as there are more deserving areas - like the steep exit from the station onto Quernmore. Oh, yeah they forgot about that.

    The only plus side is everyone is very friendly and helpful, someone stopped me from falling on my arse outside the shops, and residents were coming out on SHR to help push some cars.

    <a href="">here</a>

    If conditions change during the day, doesn't seem like they have provision for doing anything about it until the next morning.

    I love snow though!
  • edited 5:48AM
    The buses stopped running up Crouch Hill before 5:00pm. I walked up the hill and couldn't believe the idiocy of some folks trying to drive up the wrong side of the road, just to get stuck. Chaos.

    A lone copper was trying to advise folks to park up and walk home. No one listened.
  • IanIan
    edited 5:48AM
    Probably because they didn't trust the council not to come and give them all parking tickets...
  • AliAli
    edited 5:48AM
    Surprised at the lack of apparent priority for the pavement gritting as I guess an awful lot of people must fall and hurt themselves because of that. At least they have the sense to suspend sweeping the streets ! In Scotland the ride on mowers that are used in the parks have the mower attachment taken off the front, a little snow plough is put in it’s place and a mini gritter is put on the back. Perfect low cost means for sorting out the pavements. I also think in some places the householder is responsible for shovelling the snow out of the way on the pavement outside their premises. I noticed a few of the shops in the strip between Worlds End and Tollington Park had done this.
  • edited December 2009
    Agree on the resident responsibility, but the locations of grit boxes aren't obvious.

    Understand there are priorities though, but this weather has been forecast and in effect for several days, yet only this morning was the top part of Oakfield Road being gritted. I understand a council maintaining a gritting operation when it is only needed every couple of years may be a drain though.
  • edited December 2009
    I sweep and grit outside my home, but I'm very much in the minority. So much so I got some friendly banter from passing teenagers last night about what weird activities I was getting up to. In the end I think they decided I was helpful, but odd.

    Would settle for that on my gravestone :-)
  • edited 5:48AM
    Anyone else have a suspicion that the twin councils of doom gritted last Thursday, saw it snow and mainly clear, patted themsleves on the back and then did absolutely bugger all from then on? Still, while they can't grit they can still speed bump. Workmen cleared the snow from a patch on Regina Road to install a speed bump yesterday morning, and were back this morning to do the same. Obviously, all parts of road and pavement not assigned for speed bump duty were left as a skating rink.
  • edited December 2009
    I bet they haven't neglected to grit the council office steps, the arsepieces.

    Hope I get a Daily Mail subscription from Santa.

    not to become obsessed by the idiocy of the gritting organised by Haringey council at our expense, but did anyone see the bridge works at Oakfield Road? It seems they just gritted a straight line, down the middle of the road. The part of the road that is closed to traffic. But of course left all pavements in 'death to pedestrians' mode.

    Why would they bother? "Yeah, just tick the roads off the list, don't matter if some old granny on the pavement breaks her pelvis".

    Lynne Featherstone obviously has our back tho, cos she reads this <a href="">thread</a>

    <img src=""></img>
  • AliAli
    edited 5:48AM
    Just got an e-mail in response to my urgent request to grit pavements around SG which I posted with the Council three days ago. It was from Haringey Customers Services saying they have forwarded it to Haringey Enterprise to deal with it. I hoe they notice the snow has melted ! I also think that Haringey should not use the word Enterprise because that it certainly is not !
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