Riotous assembly

Three riot vans and about 30 coppers at the White Lion. And it's not even lunchtime.


  • Maybe they put the prices up 2p.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Arresting some wanted persons who had been spotted, said the copper I asked, offering no further details beyond 'keeping the streets safe'. First thing I saw when I opened the front door today, and made me reconsider the merits of the whole 'going outside' concept. I was so flabbergasted I then accidentally signed the commies' Save The Whittington petition instead of the Greens', and then when I got to the newsagent, 2000AD was out four days early. I can't take the excitement.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I was passing by when they were there - I asked one of them what it was about and he said "football"... an Irish guy was poking fun at them when one of them rushed over to him and pushed him against the wall and said "if you did that in Ireland you'd have had a slap by now..."
    Someone needs to keep an eye on such heavy handed tactics - I wasn't about to argue as they all had big coshes and all that, pretty scary.
  • edited 6:08PM
    @ADGS: 2000AD! Ah man I read that for years. I quit reading just when the new Dredd clone was made - I think he adopted the name Rico in honour of the original... what's Dredd up to these days, he must be in his 70s now.

  • edited 6:08PM
    Yeah, Dredd's old but still tough, Clint Eastwood-style. He got pretty disillusioned after finding that Fargo, the first Judge and his clonefather, was still alive (in suspended animation) and wasn't sure whether the Judges done the right thing in taking control of society. On the same trip, he found that he had a bunch of mutant relatives, which ultimately led to him convincing Mega City One to relax the rules on mutants. This obviously didn't go down well, so then Hershey lost the position of Chief Judge to Dan Francisco, star of a Cops-style reality TV show, who was going to end the liberalisation of the mutant laws but was basically a decent chap.
    Except Francisco's deputy, Sinfield, is not a decent chap, he's a right git. He's keeping Francisco ill, and has taken over. He's not bad like Judge Cal so most people don't notice anything amiss yet...but Dredd does.
    When Francisco got in, it was decided that the mutants who had been allowed in should all be relocated to townships in the Cursed Earth. Dredd went with them. Sinfield is now starving this programme of resources (meaning the townships are more like slums) and mainly sending the dregs of the Judges to support Dredd. Except he's also sent Rico out because he (understandably) doesn't trust Dredd clones.
    Clearly it's all going to kick off at some stage, but they're being very good about keeping the details of when and how unclear. For now, Dredd is pretty much an exile, and last time that happened, it ended with Necropolis...
  • edited 6:08PM
    I bought the first three 2000ADs, they had little plastic toys on the front which I think was a novelty then. I had no idea it was still going. Can I still get Roy of the Rovers?
  • IanIan
    edited 6:08PM
    I've never read 2000AD but I like to think that it is now a historical comic and Judge Dredd is listening to Oasis and watching Friends.
  • edited 6:08PM
    They spent a fair bit of the nineties agonizing about whether to change the name, then decided, sod it. Though there was a one-off 3000AD with updated versions of the characters in the very first issue - eg Six Million Dollar Man rip-off M.A.C.H.1 became B.L.A.I.R.1 who had a polling computer in his brain.

    Roy of the Rovers: I hate football so can't comment with any certainty, though do recall a mate posting something about it recently, hang on:
    OK, the 'classic' series finished in 1993, though there was a brief attempt at a new, edgier version.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Why do the commies want to "save the Whittington instead of the greens"? And who is threatening our spinach, anyway?
  • edited 6:08PM
    Well that's got me reading Dredd's entry on wikipedia and getting all nostalgic. Maybe I'll subscribe again.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Staplejack: you had to move my 'petition' to make that even semi-work, which is cheating.
  • edited 6:08PM
    semi-work. Where do I sign up?
  • edited 6:08PM
    Going into the White Lion should be an arrestable offence.
  • IanIan
    edited 6:08PM
    Is anyone else following Slabber up the threads as (s)he opens them, adds a short comment, then moves on? I have started gambling on which one will be open next. Every so often they fox me by doubling back though.
  • edited 6:08PM
    It's called trolling.
  • edited 6:08PM
    No one else seems to be posting.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I can't keep up reading them.
  • edited 6:08PM
    There are a couple of other posters who leave one-line remarks on threads all the time that neither add to the thread or move the discussion forward, which is quite boring. Slabber seems to just have a bit more energy than the other wit-meisters.

    Maybe a minimum letter count on posts would keep them at bay?
  • edited 6:08PM
    I think my posts are fine. What do you want? An essay?

    I could ramble on and on about all sorts of things if you like.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I think they're fine too Slabber, plenty of folk write one-line of worse pish so was unsure why you were being singled-out for earache.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Slabber brings a welcome breath of fresh pithy air. Kept me entertained.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I think it's because I spammed the board yesterday.

    To be fair, the board needs spamming because there aren't enough new posts.
  • edited 6:08PM
    *To be fair, the board needs spamming because there aren't enough new posts.* "To be fair" - possibly the most vapid platitude in the English language. At the end of the day, when all's said and done, I for one am glad that someone has arrived to tell us exactly what we need. I'm surprised and delighted to find that what we need is more spam.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Slabber, you might also consider the tension between your deluge of only occasionally interesting one-liners and your assertion in another thread that people should adapt to a new community out of politeness. Arky
  • edited 6:08PM
    Serial posting can be a bit annoying.

    I logged on this evening and thought that there was news about the lift at Finsbury Park station or that there had been new developments regarding 3D pubs.

    Instead it was dead threads revived by Slabber for no real reason.
  • I have stopped clicking on any thread on which Slabber is the latest poster. This has considerably cut down on the time I waste reading SGO.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I'm mainly going by number of new posts; as a rule I seldom clicked on things which only had one new post even beforehand.
  • edited 6:08PM
    Slabber has some strong opinions and plenty to say. I don't think s/he should be banned unless the posts are offensive or malicious.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I hate 'plenty to say'.
  • edited 6:08PM
    I certainly don't see anything to merit a ban, though. Not when Medi is still permitted.
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