New Members (very exciting!)



  • edited 2:41AM
    What's wrong with Stroud Green Road, apart from the people, the traffic and the rubbish shops?
  • edited 2:41AM

    Some members on this forum are just about to join in with the first meeting of the new book club - there is a seperate thread for this. Everyone expressing an interest sounds nice so do give it a try. There is also a thread for a choir.
  • edited 2:41AM
    I tried online dating recently. It's not an experience I'm looking to repeat any time soon.

    Date 1: After three dates and numerous calls and messages, I ended it with "Which part of fuck off and leave me alone didn't you understand?"

    Date 2: She didn't turn up, didn't answer her phone and I never heard from her again. It was her idea.

    Date 3: Four dates, nice girl, but it quickly unravelled into a friendship trip.

    Date 4: Never happened, but by this point I was just grateful to avoid another blind date.
  • edited 2:41AM
    who mentioned dating? I like the Tesco idea though...
  • edited 2:41AM
    It was the idea of meeting people from the internet that prompted me to share my online dating stories.
  • Although not exactly Stroud Green, <>; does a good pub quiz on Mondays and there are no super teams down there so you have a chance of glory! I was out at The Old Queens head last Thursday and Spider from Corrie was the Quizmaster MC during their weekly quiz. Oh how the mighty do fall...
  • edited 2:41AM
    Spider was nothing more than a feed for Emily Bishop. He was never mighty.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Hello there. Am a newbie although been local for about 4 years now after updating my passport to move back north of the river. Did 7 years in the depths of South london and now back home in north london and loving it.

  • welcome back to civilization tgot
  • edited 2:41AM
    thanks. it's taken me a while to adjust to normality but i think i'm nearly there..
  • edited 2:41AM
    Re: spider quiz
    Hello! I have no dog, but 2 v fat cats. I is reaching a year of life in N4. I can't even express how impressed and excited I was at xmas to discover the winner of Brits next top model was in the worlds end. Amazing area.
    But oooo spider corrie man - he also works at the 3 kings in clerkenwell. Not that anyone needs to know, but still, it was a way into saying hi.....
  • edited 2:41AM
    What do you mean she was in the World's End? She works there? Pics?
  • edited 2:41AM
    I finally signed up after a while lurking and getting some useful info from this forum - so hopefully I can add to it in future.
    I've been on Stapleton Hall Road for 8 years, absolutely love it. Am looking to buy a bigger flat but really want to stay in this area (in this street if possible!).
    Looking forward to meeting some of you at the book club on the 15th.
  • edited 2:41AM

    You can skip the location bit.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Are you housebound Slabber?
  • edited 2:41AM
    Most of the time.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Hi Just joined mainly because I remember the area so well ,lived in Dashwood Road, Inderwick Rd ,then Ferme Park, before moving away and finally moving back, but as a business address, not a resident.
    I remember the Park walk as a steam railway line , Ferme Park railway station, a maternity hospital in Hanley road,no resturants in Crouch End or Stroud Green -showing my age! great site
  • edited 2:41AM
    Lived in Stroud Green for 21 years but new to this site.
    Cat lover.
    Very fond of the Noble and don't mind the old Dairy. Not too upset Woody's has gone after an unpleasant incident with meat many weeks past its sell by date.
    Wish we had a cinema nearer but really like Stroud Green.
  • Hi everybody, thought I'd stop lurking and be ready to jump in with some ill-informed and ill-considered input on the odd topic.

    Moved to Lennox Road a few months ago and I'm really enjoying exploring the area. This site's been useful for picking up the odd tip, but the Fullback and The Old Dairy pretty much drew me in under their own power.
  • edited 2:41AM

    We've been living in SG for a year now and absolutely love it! Really enjoy reading this site too, it makes me feel apart of a community.

    I'd really like to meet some funny women! Or anyone with a fancy job in film & tv who's feeling charitable and wants to help me get my foot in the door. I hate my job. And never win on those damn scratchies.

    And would also like to add that I love dogs and cats! So please talk more about this, so us petless folks can get our kicks.
  • edited 2:41AM

    Lived just off Hanley Road for a couple of years.

    Agree with earlier post about the Fullback and Old Dairy being incredible. Pappagone's has established itself pretty well in my heart also.

    Would love to get a dog, browsing breeds with girlfriend at present.

    Advice welcomed!

  • edited 2:41AM
    Welcome Edward - Golden Retriever all the way.
  • edited 2:41AM
    I'd love a dog too, but I don't think the average London lifestyle is compatible with ownership. There are too many other distractions and relatively few events/venues that are dog friendly. Not to mention the increasing danger of getting the pooch savaged by one of the many Staffy or Mastiffs in the area. And besides, I struggle to look after my tomato plants; they need watering, like, everyday! Maybe start with those and see how you get on.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Chinese crested.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Look Arky, Edward's like you used to be - he signs himself off every time.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Newbies, eh? Arky
  • IanIan
    edited 2:41AM
    @Aisha - I am not condoning this link, but the first thing that came into my mind about [women that are funny]( was the Hitch piece.
  • edited 2:41AM
    I love the Hitch. Long may he rage.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Fun read, Ian, but ultimately total tosh, like most of his writing. He appears very much as a 'thinking' man's Jeremy Clarkson to me.
  • edited 2:41AM
    That article was a lot closer to being Clarksonesque than most of his writing. I don't see how God Is Not Great is really comparable to Don't Stop Me Now except in so far as both are angry - but by that logic Swift and Juvenal were also just proto-Clarksons. And in some of the recent writing, eg about cancer, Hitch isn't even angry per se, more contemplative - not a word I've ever seen used of Jezza.
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