Old Dairy Quiz

edited November 2009 in Reviews
Hello there, I am a new N4 dweller and am going to my first Old Dairy Quiz this evening. What's it like?

Are there any others in the area?




  • edited 9:18AM
    I've only been to the Old Dairy one once - it was fun although the round on imperial measure conversions dragged a bit. The Faltering Fullback is meant to have a decent one on a Monday night.
  • edited November 2009
    The FF quiz is fun in that you need to be of a good standard to come close to winning (usually 28 or 29 out of 30) but even if that's not going to happen the format is engaging enough to keep everyone entertained.

    Basically, there are 6 themes with 5 answers fitting into each - but you don't know what the themes are and the questions are not all asked one theme at a time.

    It's a lot simpler than I've made it sound.

    The swimmer @ Holloway has a good Monday quiz too.
  • edited 9:18AM
    I've done it a few times. The prize is good (bar tab in the region of £70). And it is pretty popular, so get there early. HOWEVER: 1) It is a bit easy. Quite often intelligence-insulting oh-god-everyone-knows-that easy. 2) It doesn't have a music round (I think all pub quizzes need a music round) 3) It has a very annoying "guess the number/year" section which isn't officially part of the quiz and which just descends into people shouting random numbers and the quizmaster deciding who to give a prize to. 4) It does drag on a bit sometimes (last time I went it started about an hour late, didn't finish til 11pm).
  • IanIan
    edited 9:18AM
    @Mapsa is right - Played twice won twice. Perhaps we had better have a rota for going to share the cash around? What's the start time by the way - we may wander up if we have time for tea ...
  • edited 9:18AM
    Depends what you count as local, but I walked to both of these from SGR:
    The Salisbury on Green Lanes used to have an excellent quiz (well, no music round - or themed rounds at all, really - but I don't mind that). Sadly, quizmaster Dougie returned to Scotland and of the two replacements who stepped in, the one I've tried was a muppet.
    Most recently I went to the Star in Tufnell Park, which was mostly a good, challenging-but-winnable quiz. The only problems being, underattended (so a win wasn't that lucrative) and the quizmaster confusing Fierce Creatures with Heavenly Creatures. I pointed this out, and my friends the regulars were mortified.
  • edited 9:18AM
    I think the Fullback quiz is pitched just right and is a good challenge. The quizmaster changes on a weekly basis.
    The only drawback is it's quite a late start - usually after 9pm - and you have to get there really early to get a table.
    Good cash prizes.
  • edited 9:18AM
    The FF quiz is subsidized so even if there's a low turnout the cash prizes are worth winning. As has been mentioned some of them are themed but not always. When I've done the occassional questioning I don't run a theme through mine, it's pure general knowledge. Sadly there are the cheats who use their modern phones to google answers and it can be quite a challenge to find questions that are not easily solved that way.
  • edited 9:18AM
    Good point about mobiles. How much does this happen? I always get very suspicious when a team are fiddling with their phones all the way through. But then they get 12 out of 30. But it certainly would be very easy to cheat if people wanted.
  • edited 9:18AM
    We were at a pub quiz recently (not round here) and one of [our team](http://www.stroudgreen.org/account/2/) started loudly grumbling about mobile phone cheating in pub quizzes; how out of order it was and against the spirit of the thing and probably cause for disqualification. The team sitting next to us, who had a very high first half score, mysteriously dropped away in the second half. Passive-aggressive pub quiz tactics at their best.
  • edited 9:18AM
    There was a team at the Salisbury quiz who always seemed to go for the same hard-to-see table and, while not doing that well in the main quiz, would more often than not win the big cash jackpot round. Never proved anything, just strongly suspected that they were cheating swine. And, where possible, sat at or near their favourite table if we beat them to the pub, to block such malfeasance.
  • edited 9:18AM
    I'm thinking of trying the Dairy Quiz tonight. Any recent reports?

    Also what time do you need to get there in order to get a table?
  • edited 9:18AM
    Has there ever been a SGB quiz team?
  • edited 9:18AM
    Not been to the Old Dairy one, but I can vouch for the Monday night quiz at the Shaftesbury on Hornsey Rd. No pop-culture rubbish (nothing recent anyway) and the quiz master is like a fatter Christopher Hitchens.
  • edited February 2010
    I've been a couple of times. You do have to get there pretty early to get a table. It's good fun, although the questions are pretty hard. The one we went to, there was an entire round on fashion designers! Still, I like the fact that the quizmaster makes up the questions himself and doesn't go crazy when he (ocassionally) gets the answers wrong, he actually listens to people when they explain. During the interval between rounds, he offers booze to people who get closest to a number, which is totaly random... but good when you know you haven't got a cat in hell's chance of winning the actual quiz. Did you go? what did you think?
  • edited February 2010
    To the Old Dairy or the Shaftesbury?
  • edited 9:18AM
    No, we didn't make it so will have to try to get there next week instead. Last night we had a computer nightmare when trying to install a new programme. We ended up uninstalling several other programmes and losing internet connection and still don't have the thing we were trying to instal.
  • edited 9:18AM
    Talking of the Old Dairy - does anybody know what the DJ night is like on the first Friday of each month (bloody awful poetry or summut)? Don't normally hang out muchin the dairy but am wondering what the atmosphere / music is like on these nights.
  • edited 9:18AM
    I went to a Bloody Awful Poetry gig or two at other venues, mainly for the bands - but the DJs were playing pretty good stuff in between. Not good enough to tempt me back into the Dairy, but then very few things would be.
  • edited 9:18AM
    The Landseer pub has a quiz night on a Monday. The quizmaster sings the Minder theme tune, has a lap top with sound effects and is a bit like Bob Mortimer- a character! I would definitely recommend it. I just observed the quiz last Monday from the dining room so no idea on the quality of the questions.....
  • edited 9:18AM
    If you are in the dairy right now, stop being such a cock.
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