
edited November 2006 in Local discussion
I'm really keen to find a house in Stroud green, as it looks like a very cool area, plus my best friend is moving there in January. It's a lunatic market out there, if anyone has any leads then I'd be really grateful of them!


  • edited 12:48PM
    Davies & Davies is (i think) probably the best estate agent around here.

    What are you looking for? House, Flat, Garden? There are a few places in our road that look like they're being done up by developers...
  • edited 12:48PM
    I have seen several 'for sale' signs around, mostly Davies & Davies.
  • edited 12:48PM
    oo thanks- looking for a whole house if you hear of one. I'll try Davies and Davies, thanks.
  • edited 12:48PM
    Next door just sold through Davies and Davies. It was done up by a developer who bought it at auction. More importantly, it was sold before it ever got onto D&D's main lists. Until we launch the internet thingy that will destroy estate agents forever (in the next couple of months, probably) I think you basically have to cosy up to them and see what's coming on in their pipeline.
  • edited 12:48PM
    House next ro us is for sale. £700,000. Neighbours are a nightmare though.
  • edited 12:48PM
    wow, that's a bit more than we thought- which road, and when you say "nightmare".....?

    who is it on through, do you know?
  • edited 12:48PM
    doug's in the posh end. lots of houses for less than that.
  • edited 12:48PM
    'Nightmare' Er - I meant us. Joke, d'you see?
  • edited 12:48PM
    And who is your father's brother nephew? Hey? Hey?
  • edited 12:48PM
    oh so sorry! doh. I actually have an excellent sense of humour, email problems, etc etc
    Can we buy the house then??! which agent is it with or is it a private one....
  • edited 12:48PM
    I'd just like to add a touch of frustration to this topic.

    Some of you may remember that I lived, as a boy, in Florence Road from 1945 - 1953.

    Well, our rent, for a middle set of two rooms and a kitchen - and I know this because I had to take the rent book to the landlord every week - was seventeen shillings and sixpence in 1953.

  • edited 12:48PM
    Aye. You had it lucky. I lived in a matchbox and had to lick the road clean of a morning.

    etc etc
  • edited 12:48PM
    andy, are you doing any work today?
  • edited 12:48PM
    Yes. Loads and loads and loads.

    And loads.
  • edited 12:48PM
    I'm not actually interested in where you may have put your tongue in the past, andy, I was simply trying to point out the imbalance that exists between value for money and hot air.
  • edited 12:48PM
    has doug gone missing or is the house no longer available? we're in for an offer but not heard back.....
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