Graffiti on shop shutters on Jack's off licence shop in Stroud G Rd



  • edited 5:32AM
    You can buy Kopperberg, in most flavours, from Budget.
  • edited 5:32AM
    What, the car rental firm?
  • edited 5:32AM
    Budget is the shop at the corner of Woodstock Road (or one further up?). The one next to Nando's does it too. It's called Kopparberg there.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Yep, corner of Woodstock Road.
  • edited February 2010
    Jack's are just the best - You can ask for anything and they've got it and they are good guys to talk with and now training their sons in the art I see. I thought providing a 'canvas' for local graffitos was quite a good response to the 80's outburst of cellulose. A gesture that's buried now or invisible to witless youth at least.

    @georgiegirl Budget is on Crouch Hill next to the Exotic and opposite the Old Dairy.

    @Northern Heights the 210 bus goes to Hampstead I believe where you might find a bedsit and a graffito to match your expectations of urban art.[sic] You seem to know all the 'tags' That's a quite feat of mental mapping to link a small off license with Toy r' Us - you haven't been buying alcohol or modelling adhesive have you?

    @ADGS I do hope the Jai Krishna will restore the picture of Dr. Legg to due prominence after their refurb.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Thanks, but I am aware of which shop I go into most days, a few doors away from my house. There is definitely a Budget on the corner of Woodstock Road, opposite the John Jones site.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Although, they seem to have mistyped it on their price stickers as 'Budged'. Perhaps that's what fooled you...?
  • edited 5:32AM
    They're both called Budget. Is it the latest SGR-centric franchise a la Pak, or just a real lack of inspiration when it comes to naming mini-markets?
  • edited 5:32AM
    Battle of the Budgets? Which Budget is best and why? No more than 150 words. Go.
  • edited 5:32AM
    The southerly one is more deserving of the name - 9p cheaper on Monster Munch!
  • edited 5:32AM
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